ultratrace analysis


  • Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection in Ultratrace Analysis

    痕量 分析中的激光诱导荧光检测

  • This paper discussed the ultratrace determination of mercury in water samples selecting the optimal analysis conditions .

    本文讨论了 原子 荧光测定水样中 微量、痕量和 痕量汞的最佳条件;

  • The introduction of ion - imprinted polymers (ⅱ P ) in trace and ultratrace analysis provides vital breakthroughs in pre-concentration or separation chemistry .

    在痕量和 痕量 分析中采用分子(离子)印迹聚合物技术,使得化学分离和预富集技术获得重大突破。

  • One of the characteristics of environment analytical chemistry which is the necessary base of environmental chemistry is to conduct quantitative analysis demanding not only conventional index but also trace and ultratrace analysis which becomes more and more important .

    环境分析化学是环境化学必不可少的基础,其特点之一就是对物质进行定量分析。除要求常规指标外,还要求 具体 物种的痕量及 痕量 分析,而后 又显得越来越重要。