


  • After the French General Election in 2002 there were many studies on the defeat of the Left and the rising of the ultra-Right . Among them there were some discussions on education which had the general significance .

    2002年法国大选后,出现了很多对左派失败和 右派 抬头的研究,其中不乏 教育 角度的探讨,具有一定的普遍意义。

  • It can be classified as nationalism terrorism religious terrorism ultra-right terrorism and ultra-left terrorism according to their causes of formation and features of activity .

    根据恐怖 组织形成的原因和活动特点, 现代恐怖主义 大致可分为民族主义 恐怖主义、宗教 恐怖主义、 右翼恐怖主义、 左派恐怖主义四种类型。

  • We must keep up our guard against the attempts of a handful of ultra-right forces in Japan to obstruct and undermine Sino-Japanese relations

    我们要警惕少数日本 极右势力对中日关系的干扰和破坏

  • There have according to Mr Watanabe been no visits from the loudspeaker-equipped black trucks that the ultra-right uses to spread nationalist propaganda .

    渡边恒雄称,到现在为止,还没人乘坐 极右分子用来宣传民粹主义的装有扬声器的黑卡车前来 他。