ultraviolet rays

[医] 紫外线

  • The ultraviolet rays have the functions of fungi sterilization and moisture drying in shoes and therefore the beriberi can be prevented and treated .


  • Protection Effect of Moringa Oil Against Ultraviolet Rays Radiation Damage on Mice

    辣木油对小鼠抗 紫外线损伤的保护作用

  • Too much exposure to the sun 's ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer .

    过多的太阳 紫外线 照射可能导致皮肤癌。

  • Model ZQJ-254 ultraviolet Intensity meter can measure the radiation dose of ultraviolet rays in the various enviroment .

    ZQJ-254紫外线强度检测仪能测量各种环境中的 紫外线辐照剂量。

  • Ozone is best known for its role in screening the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun

    臭氧最广为人知的作用是保护地球免受太阳 紫外线的伤害

  • This device filters out the harmful ultraviolet rays .

    这个装置把有害的 紫外线过滤掉。

  • Objective To know the germicidal efficacy of tableware disinfector with ozone ultraviolet rays and heat as the germicidal factors .

    目的了解以臭氧、 紫外线和热力为杀菌因子的食具消毒柜杀菌效果。

  • Good for health : No ultraviolet rays and infrared radiation ; No flicker soft light Relieve visual fatigue .

    光线健康:无 紫外线、红外光辐射;无闪烁,光线柔和纯正,有缓解视觉疲劳和保护眼睛。

  • Ultraviolet rays will make your skin age faster and make you grow wrinkles .


  • Power sources for the gas laser more varied than for the solid laser utilize chemical reactions ultraviolet rays current flow or radio frequencies .

    气体激光利用化学反应, 紫外线,电流或无线电频率做能源,比固体激光利用的种类多。

  • The ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to produce the vitamin .


  • One reason for the rise in sunburn could be the hole in the ozone layer-the protective layer that shields the Earth from the sun 's harmful ultraviolet rays .

    晒伤增多的一个原因可能是臭氧层空洞,而臭氧层是保护地球不受太阳 紫外线危害的保护层。

  • Melanin protects from ultraviolet rays so victims run a much higher risk of skin cancer .

    黑色素可防止 紫外线 伤害,所以白癜风患者发生皮肤癌的危险较高。

  • The particles interact with ultraviolet rays in sunlight loosen dirt and then with water distribute the dirt evenly across the surface .

    颗粒受太阳光中的 紫外线作用,疏松污垢,然后和水一起将污垢均匀地分散到玻璃表面。

  • Effects of Ultraviolet Rays on the Chromosome of Root Tip of Garlic


  • The ozone layer surrounding the earth protects our skin from being hurt by the ultraviolet rays .

    围绕地球的臭氧层保护着我们的皮肤免受 紫外线的伤害。

  • The sun 's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning .

    阳光中的 紫外线是皮肤晒黑和灼伤的根源。

  • Sunburn is due to overexposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays of the sun or a sun lamp .

    晒斑缘于皮肤对太阳中 紫外线的过度暴露。

  • The ionization in the upper atmosphere is caused by ultraviolet rays form the sun .

    上层大气中的电离作用是太阳的 紫外线引起的。

  • Because ultraviolet rays also trigger the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin sunlight is an important source of the vitamin .

    由于 紫外线也可以触发皮肤中维生素D的合成,因此日晒是维生素D的一个重要来源。

  • Clothing does protect the skin against the sun 's harmful ultraviolet rays but not all clothing provides the same protection .

    衣服可以保护皮肤免受阳光中有害的 紫外线 照射,不过并不是所有的衣服都可以提供这种保护。

  • The thermosphere which blocks harmful ultraviolet rays expands and contracts regularly due to the sun 's activities .

    热层可以阻止有害的 紫外线,根据太阳的活动定期扩大和收缩。

  • Ultraviolet rays are invisible to humans though ants and honeybees are sensitive to them .

    人是看不到 紫外线的,尽管蚂蚁和蜜蜂可以感觉到。

  • Tests also found that both the red and orange pigments collect ultraviolet rays .

    实验还发现红色和桔色的色素都能够 吸收 紫外线

  • The protection effect of moringa oil against ultraviolet rays radiation damage on mice for the development of skin protection cream was studied .

    研究辣木油对小鼠抗 紫外线损伤的保护作用,为开发防晒护肤品提供实验依据。

  • Some FDA standards were developed for ultraviolet rays known as UVB but the new rules deal with UVA rays .

    FDA已经制定了防晒霜的一些关于 紫外线中UVB的标准,但是,新标准是针对UVA的。

  • They can protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays .

    它们可以保护你的眼睛不受 紫外线 伤害

  • CAUSES : Failure to maintain the skin under the day and polluted environment or exposure to the irradiation of ultraviolet rays .

    成因:肌肤在乾燥,环境污染及 紫外线 照射下长期得不到养护。

  • Some studies link long term exposure to ultraviolet rays ( UV ) to cataract formation .

    有些研究认为白内障的形成与 眼睛长期暴露在 紫外线下有关。