

n.超音波学超声波( ultrasonic的名词复数 )

  • The main work is as follows : 1 . Using the theory of ultrasonics engineering thermodynamics and elastomechanics the mathematical model of ultrasonic heat effect refrigerant vaporization and bladder pressure of the urination assist system are built .

    具体工作内容如下:1.运用 超声 、工程热力学和弹性力学理论建立了排尿助力系统的超声波热效应数学模型、工质汽化数学模型和膀胱压数学模型。

  • Ultrasonics a rapidly developing branch of acoustics has many applications .

    超声 近代声学中发展较快而应用较广的一个分支。

  • In this paper the essence of the ultrasonic vibration on the frictional properties is presented based on the concept of virtual rollers excited by ultrasonics .

    基于所提出的虚拟滚动体的思想,阐述了 超声波减摩的实质。

  • Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonics .


  • Study of propagation of surface wave on coated cylinder by laser ultrasonics

    镀层圆柱表面波传播的激光 超声研究

  • Having much research on non-invasive temperature field measurement technique such as ultrasonics infrared MRI and so on author have summarized and analyzed the characteristics of these techniques .

    对当今主要的无创测温技术如 超声温度检测技术、红外热成像技术、MRI温度检测技术等做了大量的调研,分析、总结这些技术的特点。

  • Medical ultrasonics is a border discipline which combines acoustics and medical science together .

    医学 超声是一 门将声学中的 超声 与医学 应用结合起来的边沿学科。

  • This paper deals with the effect of ultrasonics on liquids flow through porous media especially two-phase flow .

    本文主要研究了 超声波对多孔介质中液体流动的影响,尤其是两相流动的影响。

  • There are also four external sensors for light sound touch and ultrasonics .

    还有四个外部传感器用于光、声、触觉和 超声波方面。

  • Generation and Application of Laser Ultrasonics in Metals

    金属中激光 超声的产生及应用

  • Ultrasonics is one of the most important techniques for nondestructive testing ( NDT ) and applied very widely .


  • Ultrasonics is widely applied in ultrasonic cleaning because of the ultrasonic characteristics of short wavelength high frequency strong penetrability cavitation and atomization effect and so on .


  • This paper explains the design of an Ultrasonics Doppler Spectrum Analysis System for fetal umbilical blood flow monitoring . The gist of discussion includes the sampling method of the Doppler signals and the algorithm of the blood flow parameters .

    阐述了胎儿脐带血流 超声Doppler频谱分析仪的设计,重点分析了Doppler频移信号采样和血流频谱参数的算法。

  • In medical and other applications of ultrasonics a variety of electronic instrumentation is used .


  • The technical principles of powdering with ultrasonic-atomization and quick-cooling are explored in this paper from the view of gas dynamics and ultrasonics .

    本文试从气体动力学和 超声 角度探讨了超声气雾化快冷制粉技术的原理。

  • Objective To summarize the clinical significance of differential diagnosis with ultrasonics for solitary pulmonary mass .

    目的回顾性总结 超声鉴别肺部孤立性肿块的临床意义。

  • This paper discussed the recent development of the applications of diagnostic ultrasonics and power ultrasonics in polymer inspection and measurement polymer processing and polymer chemistry .

    本文综述了检测 超声和功率超声在高分子检测,高分子加工,高分子化学方面应用的最新进展。

  • Experiments with ultrasonics and brain lesions are done by universities .


  • Study on solid-solid interface waves with laser ultrasonics

    激光 超声 方法研究固-固界面波 传播 特性

  • Microwave is acoustics preserved a tradition acoustics the fundamental with ultrasonics and method but the classic theory of successive medium must be replaced by quanta theory .

    微波声学保存了传统声学和 超声 的基本原理和方法,但连续介质的经典理论须由量子理论来代替。

  • Ultrasonics deals with ultrasonic waves which have frequencies above the audible range and their applications in industry and medicine

    超音波 声学研究 包括 超音波之振动(频率高于可听得见的范围)以及工业和医学方面的应用

  • The principle of interaction between ultrasonics and polymer and the factors affecting ultrasonic action on polymer were illustrated .

    阐明了 超声与高分子材料的作用原理,以及影响超声作用的因素。

  • The ultrasonics stopped and the light went soft .


  • Sandwich piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers are widely used in underwater acoustics ultrasonics and non-destructive inspection .

    夹心式压电换能器在水声、 功率 超声以及无损检测等技术中获得了广泛应用。

  • This paper describes a new method of flow measurement with ultrasonics .

    本文探讨了一种利用 超声波测量的新方法。

  • Results The diagnosis of testicular torsion in all the 23 cases was assessed on colour Doppler ultrasonics .

    结果23例患者均经 彩超 检查确诊为睾丸扭转,1例 手法 复位 治愈

  • Applications of Power Ultrasonics in Welding

    功率 超声波在焊接领域中的应用

  • The design of energy complex collecting unit in ultrasonics welding machine is studied in this paper .

    本文对 超声波焊机 声学系统的复合 聚能器的设计进行了理论研究和实际应用。

  • Generation and detection of cylindrical Rayleigh waves by laser ultrasonics

    圆柱瑞利波的激光 激发和检测