typical case

[ˈtɪpɪkəl kes][ˈtipikəl keis]

[法] 典型案件

  • Methods : Report a Psychomotor epilepsy typical case and correlated data introduce the standard of the diagnoses and the classification .

    方法:报道一例精神运动性癫痫 典型 病例及相关资料,介绍诊断及分类标准。

  • Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case .

    1996年的碧纯水侵权案就是 典型的关联公司之间的 诉讼

  • Chapter Five takes the previously introduced T company human talent lost phenomenon as a typical case submits the human resources management apocalypses and proposals from four aspects .

    第五章,以前面介绍的T公司人才流失现象作为 典型 情况,从四个方面提出了人才管理的启示和建议。

  • A typical case is the most common theft of foreign intellectual property rights of Chinese enterprises .

    最常见的 典型 案例是中国企业盗取外资企业知识产权。

  • In real-world scenarios this is a very typical case that further translates into complex solution architectures .

    在实际方案中,这是一个非常 典型 案例,它进一步转变成复杂的解决方案体系结构。

  • By analyzing the comprehensive management practice in the typical case this paper summed up ? the successful experience and failures of Ping An figures out ? the improvements of Ping An .

    其次 归纳出了平安在综合经营中的成功经验。最后分析了平安保险集团在综合经营中的 问题 所在,并提出相应的改进意见。

  • Lastly a practical operation method for computing reduction was given and the validity of the proposed technique was verified via a typical case .

    最后给出了约简的实际操作方法,并通过 典型 例子验证了该方法的有效性。

  • Typical case of China owning Pakistan for blue water access .

    这有个很 典型 案例就是中国拥有巴基斯坦深海控制权。

  • This is a typical case of copyright infringement .

    这是一个 典型的侵权 案件

  • By introducing a typical case this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure .

    典型 案例作引子,阐明了公司司法解散的理由。

  • Finally the paper gives a typical case that creative Talent of Chengdu University of Technology .

    最后给出了一个成都理工大学实施创新人才培养的 典型 案例

  • Study on a Typical Case of Management and Treatment of MSW & Zhangzhou City

    城市生活垃圾管理和处理研究&以 漳州市为

  • He is a typical case of the disabled people who have achieved success .

    他是取得成功的残疾人中的一个 典型 例子

  • Her remarks were a typical case of sour grapes .

    她说的话是 典型的酸葡萄心理。

  • In a typical case there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin .

    典型 病例中,皮肤下面会有一个发炎的小结节。

  • In one typical case a 11.3-hectare site originally granted to the Macau University of science and technology was given to a casino developer .

    在一个 典型 案件中,原本划给澳门科技大学(macauuniversityofscienceandtechnology)的11.3公顷的土地被转给了一家赌场开发商。

  • From a typical case this article puts forward three ways of using non-cooperative equilibrium in game theory and several application ways in construction project management .

    本文从一个 典型 案例入手,提出了博弈论中非合作均衡的三种使用途径以及在建筑工程管理上的几个应用方式。

  • A fairly typical case happened .

    出现了相当 典型 例子

  • A typical case of this was reported early in2004 .

    2004年初报道的一 案例就很 典型

  • The effect of this thing is bad this is a typical case about the conflict of commercially and morality .

    这件事情的影响非常坏,是一个有关道德伦理和商业利益冲突的 典型

  • This analysis gives us a new perspective in appreciation this classical work and a typical case study of how the colonists exert the cultural rule on the people in the colonies .

    本课题为读者重读经典开辟了一个新的视角,也为读者审视殖民者的文化统治提供了一个 典型 个案

  • But in the more typical case there will have been parallel changes .

    但是,在更加 典型 情况 ,会有平行变更被检测到。

  • That 's because this is not a typical case .

    是一个 值得研究和 学习的管理系统 案例

  • To illustrate how to build a map for this lightweight client I have created a typical case by combining elements from actual projects .

    为了说明如何为这个轻量级客户机建立映射,我已经结合实际项目中的元素准备了一个 典型 案例

  • This paper considers typical case in the engineering and applies analogous theory to set up testing model performed in a flume .

    结合工程实践中的 典型 情况,应用相似比理论,建立起可在水槽中进行的试验模型。

  • This is a typical case in fund raising .

    这是一个 典型的变相集资 案例

  • Combining with the four factors of computer crimes investigation and the ralation models this article illustrates the comprehensive application of computer evidence gathering and processing in criminal detection through a successful typical case .

    文章结合计算机犯罪调查四因素及其关系模型,通过一个成功的 典型 案例来说明计算机证据获取、分析技术在案件侦破中的综合应用, 供参考。

  • In a typical case you are interested in loading or saving only the latest data .

    通常 情况 ,您只对装载或保存最新的数据感兴趣。

  • The charter school movement in the USA is thus typical case which this major power acts on .

    美国特许学校运动正是这种力量的推动 发展起来的 典型

  • This is a typical case of sour grapes .

    你这是 典型的酸葡萄心理。