


v.<贬> (尤指小狗)尖叫,狂吠( yap的过去式和过去分词 )<非正>(对一些无关紧要的事)哇啦哇啦地说个不停

  • The little dog yapped frantically .

    那只小狗 狂吠着。

  • He yapped on the subject for hours .

    那个问题 罗嗦几个钟头。

  • The dog trotted out and yapped a couple of warning at no one in particular I have warned you many times that this project was wrong at the outset .

    狗疾跑出去, 毫无 目标 狂吠了几 警告我多次警告过你,这个项目一开始就已错了。

  • The poodle yapped and snapped .

    卷毛狗 咬。