yellow cross

[ˈjɛlo krɔs][ˈjeləu krɔs]


  • The Chinese yellow breed is perhaps one of the earliest products of this cross .

    中国 黄牛可能是最早的这种 杂交后代之一。

  • Based on the surface runoff and sediment load and changing characteristic of river boundary in different period in the Lower Yellow River the regulating mechanism of cross section and riverbed withered and its influence to the flood propagation were researched systematically .

    基于不同历史时期 黄河下游水沙条件和河道边界条件变化特点,系统研究了 断面调整机理及河道萎缩及对洪水演进特性的影响。

  • A more convincing example could be made that whether traffic lights at the crossroads be red yellow or green those car drivers would politely let pedestrians cross the road first .

    另一个能说明这一点的就是如论交通灯是什么 颜色礼让的司机总会让 行人优先 过去

  • The paper calculates the volume of scour and fill of the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River respectively through the observed data of cross sections coming sediment and variations of water level with same discharge and the results are basically the same .

    摘要通过实测 断面资料、来沙量资料和同流量水位的变化等,对 黄河内蒙古河段的冲淤量分别进行了估算,其结果基本一致。

  • In order to successfully regulate the water it suggests that water regulation of the Yellow River should be carried out by responsible system of chief executives and cross section discharge controlled by system of job responsibility .

    为了今后水调工作的顺利开展,建议: 黄河水量调度实行行政首长负责制和 断面流量控制责任制;

  • It is pointed out that the morphological evolution process of the lower Yellow River has three elementary aspects : shallow cross section mild longitudinal slope and intensive amount of aggradation .

    断面极为宽浅,纵比降的塑造,以致河道严重淤积,是 黄河下游河床演变的三大基本问题。

  • According to the longitudinal profiles of river terraces of Yellow River and its branch rivers in Lanzhou and adjacent region the deformation characteristics of river terraces which cross active faults are studied .

    根据兰州及邻区 黄河及其次级河流阶地纵剖面研究,分析了 横穿活动断裂的河流阶地的变形特征。