yellow Ointment


  • This study showed three yellow ointment with good swelling and pain can significantly improve the clinical symptoms reduce pain and swelling of the ankle time to patients as soon as possible to surgery and a speedy recovery .

    本组研究显示了 三黄 油膏具有良好的消肿止痛作用,能明显改善临床症状,缩减踝关节肿胀疼痛时间,使患者能尽快施行手术,早日康复。

  • About an hour into our meeting Kith Meng Cambodia 's leading entrepreneur dips a finger into an intriguing little flask on his coffee table and applies a fragrant yellow ointment to his neck and temples .

    我们谈了一小时后,柬埔寨著名企业家陈丰明(KithMeng)用手指在茶几上一个令人好奇的小瓶子里蘸了蘸,接着把一种带有香味的 黄色 药膏 到了脖子和太阳穴上。