yellow dog

[ˈjɛlo dɔɡ][ˈjeləu dɔɡ]


  • Such legislation should mainly spell out unfair labor practices on the part of employers for example discrimination yellow dog contracts rejection of collective bargaining and control of and interference in the trade unions .

    中国不当劳动行为立法主要应规定雇主的不当劳动行为,包括差别待遇、 契约、拒绝集体谈判和控制干涉工会等内容。

  • He is a yellow dog and all of us hated him .

    他是个 卑鄙 小人,我们都讨厌他。

  • The color is dark and the eye does not show a yellow ring or a sufficiently prominent haw to affect the dog 's expression .

    眼睛的颜色为暗黑色,不能因为瞳孔周围有 圈,或瞬膜显露出来,而影响了 的表情。

  • In spite of the fact that you treat him very well he is a yellow dog .

    尽管事实上你对他非常好,但是他仍然是个 卑鄙

  • You are a yellow dog !

    你是一个 忘恩负义

  • It was a pleasant memorize to feed some chicks and one yellow dog when I was in Primary School .

    记得上小学时我还喂养过一些小鸡和一只 咧。上周六我去参观了库马西动物园。

  • In addition open source alternatives such as apt ( Advanced Packaging Tool ) for Debian or yum ( Yellow dog updater modified ) for RPM Package Manager-based distributions are available .

    另外,还可以使用开放源码工具,比如用于Debian的apt(AdvancedPackagingTool)和用于基于RPMPackageManager的发行版的yum( Yellow dogupdater,modified)。

  • Being an excellent purebred dog Kunming dog which was bred by Chinese has been bred into three steady inherited breeds wolf cyan grass yellow and black back Kuning dog .

    昆明 作为我国自主培育出来的优良品种犬,已形成狼青、黑背、草 三个稳定的品系。

  • And there was a sparkle of yellow jasmine by the door ; the closed door . But no sound ; no smoke from the chimney ; no dog barking .

    在那关闭着的门边,有些素馨花在闪着 黄色的光辉。但是阗寂无声。烟囱里不冒烟,也没有 吠声。

  • It 's a yellow dog .

    它是一只 黄色

  • In1932 Congress passed one of the first pro-labor laws the Norris-La Guardia act which made yellow dog contracts unenforceable and limited the power of federal courts to issue injunctions in labor disputes .

    1932年,国会通过了第一项亲劳工的法律“诺里斯 拉加迪亚法”,使禁止工人加入工会的合同无法生效,并且还对联邦法院在劳工纠纷中发出禁制令的权力加以限制。

  • Single detached courtyard only the grandfather and granddaughter Tracy and Lao Chuan Fu two people there is a considerable yellow dog .


  • Instead the town features such sights as a pair of petrified pigeons yellow phone booths and a statue of a sea dog gazing from a bridge .

    鸽子, 黄色电话亭,站在桥上 凝望的水手这些人造景观形成了这个小镇的独特风格。

  • I dislike Tom for he is a yellow dog .

    我讨厌汤姆,他是个 卑鄙 小人

  • Did you see a yellow dog pass here ?

    你看见一条 从这儿过去了吗?