


  • On this basis I hold that the yellow-dog contract is made by employers . It requests employees not to belong to a union during the period of their employment or not to engage in certain specified activities .

    在此基础上,辨清了 合同在 美国 定义,它是一种雇主禁止雇员在雇佣期间参加工会或者从事某些特定活动的合同。

  • The employer has made a yellow-dog contract with David .

    雇主与戴维 签署了一个 生意 的合同。

  • From the history of the yellow-dog contract I think if our country wants to have a healthy harmonious and potential economy we must construct the labor relations in relative balance and make the union play a due role .

    然后通过 合同的发展历史,认识到,在现今中国如要发展健康、和谐、有潜力的经济,就必须构建相对平衡的劳资关系,同时,发挥工会应有的作用。

  • A car door opening to the grandma grandma of two little yellow-dog will come to greet us .

    车子一开到外婆家门口,外婆家的两只 小黄 就会来迎接我们的。

  • Yellow-dog contract is a famous anti-worker system in the history of American labor relations .


  • However the employees began to counterattack the contract by the influence of World War I.Chapter Four hackles the history of period of gradually abolishing the yellow-dog contract .

    但物极必反,由于一战的特殊影响,劳方开始对 合同进行反击。第四章梳理了 合同逐步废止期的历史。