yellow yolk

[ˈjɛlo jok][ˈjeləu jəuk]


  • A yellow carotenoid pigment C40H56O2 found widely in nature first isolated in corpus luteum but later discovered in body fats egg yolk and green plants ; xanthophyll .

    叶黄素一种 黄色的类似胡萝卜素的色素,c40h56o2,大量存在于自然界中,最初从黄体素中分离出来,后在体内脂肪、 蛋黄、绿色植物中也发现了它的存在;胡萝卜醇。

  • It landed on a pile of firewood where the yellow yolk burst into flames .

    鸟蛋掉到一堆柴火上, 蛋黄 随即迸发出 黄色的火焰。

  • A kind of tree whose fruit has only one seed surrounded by yellow pulp which looks like a yolk .

    树名,其果实?有一颗种子,果肉呈 黄色,看来像一个 蛋黄

  • A yellow phospholipid found in egg yolk and in many plant and animal cells ; used commercially as an emulsifier .

    一种 黄色的磷脂,见于 蛋黄和许多植物动物细胞中,商用作乳化剂。