I don 't think economic advancement and our yearning for love are mutually exclusive he said .
“我认为经济发展和人们对爱情的 追求并不相互排斥。”他说。
Wolves have a very simple attitude which is their persistent yearning for successes .
狼的态度很单纯,那就是对成功坚定不移地 向往。
Freedom my yearning and pursues ! For my full time of life !
自由,我的 向往和追求!用一生的时光去争取!
But they were filled with longing and desire a yearning for something just out of reach .
但是小说里也充满了憧憬和希望,一种对于 力不能及的事物的 渴望。
Under the influence of my father I have always been filled with infinite yearning for Germany .
由于受到父亲的影响,我对德国充满了无限的 向往。
I like the yearning for a bright sunflower quality .
我喜欢葵花的 向往光明的品质。
When looking up at the starry sky we are full of longing and yearning for the vast universe .
在仰望星空的时候,对茫茫宇宙充满了无限的憧憬和 向往。
They will hear my voice and with the same sense of yearning for their hopes .
会让他们听到我的心声,和发自内心的对他们的 殷殷 思念。
My yearning is hanging on the new moon .
我的 思念就挂在那一 钩新月上。
Pride in the children 's achievements is overtaken by the yearning to be with them .
他们对 天伦之乐 的 渴望已被对子女成就的自豪感取而代之。
I always like Chinese culture more yearning and world peace .
我一直喜欢中国的文化,更 向往世界和平。
Snow and a piece snow falling falling on my face they dissolved into tears of yearning .
下雪了,一片片雪花飘落,飘落在我的脸上,就化成了 思念的泪水。
People 's yearning for a good and beautiful life is the goal for us to strive for .
人民对美好生活的 向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。
She keeps on pouring out her love and lovesickness in her beautiful but fruitless pursuit of her yearning .
她不断地吐露相思和爱慕,为她的 向往作了徒劳而绮丽的追寻。
It is new and shining symbol of man 's yearning to be free .
它是人类 渴望自由的一个新而耀眼的象征。
I am your yearning and your sweat .
我很高兴你 告诉我你 对我的 思念 和 渴望。
Not just ready to I would answer but yearning to .
我得说,不仅仅是准备好了,而且 对此 充满 渴望。
You have been long gone leaving behind drizzling melancholy and thickening yearning in me .
你远去了,留给我的是密密细雨般的惆怅,还有那浓浓的 思念。
Oh you know my yearning burning in my heart .
哦,你知道我心中燃烧的 渴望。
Yearning for a long enrapture you yesterday and the longing for a beautiful future .
My heart for you with yearning burns .
我的心为你在 渴望中燃烧。
Eco-Eden is people yearning for beautiful to nature .
生态乐园是人们对大自然的美好 向往。
And what they do not realize is that in their yearning they create the light .
他们所没有意识到的是,在他们的 渴望 之中他们创造了光。
He always had a yearning to be a schoolteacher .
他一直 渴望当老师。
Discarding this we will discard also the eternal yearning of the unsatisfied right armpit .
丢弃这个,我们也将丢弃得不到满足的右腋窝的无休止的 渴望。
She is a good destination that it was the pursuit of her life and yearning .
是它的好归宿,认为那是它一生的追求和 向往,一生 最 美 的 家。
We are all yearning for the weather to change .
我们大家都 渴望天气有所变化。
The sweet home of our yearning hearts .
我们内心 渴望的甜蜜 之家。
Exhibiting a lover 's yearning .
相思的表现出一个情人的 思念的。
v.渴望,切盼,向往( yearn的现在分词 )