



  • For the record yammer is very much still in business & but Zingale clearly believes that it has lost its edge since being acquired by the boys in Bellevue .

    郑重声明, Yammer目前仍然在正常运营&但辛格勒坚信自被微软收购后, Yammer已经失去了竞争力。

  • In just the last month enterprise giants including Oracle ( orcl ) salesforce ( CRM ) and now Microsoft ( MSFT ) have shelled out $ 2.25 billion forSocial business upstarts like vitrue buddy media and yammer .

    从上个月以来,包括甲骨文(Oracle)、Salesforce和微软等科技巨头已经花了22.5亿美元用于收购Vitrue、BuddyMedia和 Yammer等新兴社交软件公司。

  • To communicate this way either on Twitter or on yammer which is a similar service aimed at companies would have another advantage .

    以这种方式交流无论是在twitter上还是在为企业提供类似服务的 yammer上还会有一个好处。

  • Well yammer came out of Geni which we had funded and is now profitable .

    哦, Yammer源于我们曾经提供资金、如今已经盈利的Geni。

  • Think about the rise of communications technologies such as yammer ( the corporate equivalent of twitter ) and WebEx or collaboration tools like campfire .

    想想 Yammer(Twitter企业版)、WebEx等通信技术以及Campfire等协作工具的崛起。

  • Before that yammer will be integrated into SharePoint .

    在此之前, Yammer将整合入SharePoint。

  • So when CRV first invested in yammer was it mostly about David or the idea ?

    那么,CRV最初投资 Yammer时主要考虑的 因素是戴维,还是 商业设想?

  • The more European voters balk at economic reform the more politicians yammer on about values .

    畏惧经济改革的欧洲选民越多, 政治家 价值观的 情况 就会越多。

  • Businesses can enable access to critical data projects or content through services like salesforce and roambi Basecamp and yammer or box respectively .

    企业现在可以通过Salesforce、Roambi、Basecamp、 Yammer或Box等服务来接入重要数据、项目或内容。

  • Even large app makers such as yammer and Evernote say it is a burden to code and test their Android offerings for a slew of devices .

    就连 Yammer和Evernote这样的大型开发公司也表示,针对大量安卓设备进行的编码和调试是个不小的负担。