



  • The problem is millions of people are unemployed

    问题是,大批的人都 失业了。

  • He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed .

    他仅仅是想引起人们对 失业 困境的关注。

  • A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed .

    就业安置计划是为了帮助那些 失业

  • The unemployed are not a homogeneous group

    失业 不能一概而论。

  • One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer

    一个没有提及的问题是, 失业 人员也许缺乏填补所提供的空职的技能。

  • Unemployed young men loiter at the entrance of the factory .


  • One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs .

    十分之一的加利福尼亚人没有 工作,还有数以千计的人成天提心吊胆地害怕失去工作。

  • The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month

    上个月,波兰的 失业人数增长超过了1/4。

  • There is already an element of compulsion in existing government schemes for the unemployed .

    政府现行的 失业方案已经有点强制的意味了。

  • Among those 18 and over 510 benefit claimants were not unemployed

    18岁及以上人群当中,有51万救济金申领者并非是 失业

  • My father was an unemployed labourer

    我父亲是一名 失业劳工。

  • Most of the people I know are unemployed .

    我认识的大部分人都 失业了。

  • Unemployed Queenslanders were victims of personal crime twice as often as employed people .

    在昆士兰, 失业人群沦为个人犯罪受害者的可能性比就业人群高一倍。

  • Have you been unemployed for over six months ?


  • A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected

    一项旨在帮助长期 失业 的新的培训计划有望出台。

  • Almost 13 per cent of the working population is already unemployed .

    就业人口中有将近13%已 失业

  • Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work


  • Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage .

    公司应获许以较低的工资给长期 失业 提供岗位。

  • The unemployed executives include former sales managers directors and accountants .


  • The longer people have been unemployed the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market .


  • The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power .

    失业 没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。

  • Last month 370 Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed

    上个月,有37万美国人加入了 失业 的行列。

  • If they are unemployed it 's bound to breed resentment

    如果他们 失去 工作,一定会产生怨恨。

  • Millions are homeless and unemployed .

    数百万人无家可归和 失业

  • The unemployed workers agreed to take further action .


  • The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed .

    那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是 游民

  • This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby

    该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的 失业青年。