


  • Having the form of a hair . Heavy undercoat when present rather woolly . Neck and shoulders heavily coated especially in dogs giving mane-like appearance .

    毛样的,长毛状的有毛发的形状的当浓密的 长出后,非常酷似羊毛。颈部和肩部的被毛更浓密,形成鬃毛样外观。

  • The undercoat of this dog is soft and dense and of sufficient length to support the outer coat .

    这只狗的 绒毛软并且密集浓厚,有足够的长度来支持外部的皮毛。

  • The undercoat width is narrowest closest to the spine line and longest close to the belly .


  • The painter was laying colours on canvas . To apply an undercoat to .

    画家正 画布上涂颜料。

  • On the body the outer coat is of medium length flat or wavy and is easily distinguishable from the undercoat which is short soft and dense .

    在身躯上,披毛为中等长度,平坦或略呈波浪状,很容易与 分开 短、柔软和浓密。

  • Himalayan goat having a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere wool .

    喜玛拉雅山羊, 底层 绒毛柔滑如丝 赞为 克什 绒毛。

  • A water-resistant undercoat of short wooly slightly oily hair is essential but in the summer months may be hard to find except on the thighs and shoulders .

    防水的 短、羊毛状、略带油质的毛发(基本特征),但在夏天,除了大腿和肩部,可以发现其他 部位的底 变硬。

  • The coarser hairs of the outer coat trap the softer undercoat forming permanent strong cords that are felt-like to the touch .

    粗糙的披毛陷在柔软的 中。披毛为持久的、结实的绳索状,触摸的感觉象是毡制的。

  • An undercoat for fluororesin coating based on epoxy resin and polyamide hardener .

    聚氨酯固化的环氧树脂涂料,氟树脂 面漆的配套用中间漆。

  • One child can thus be genetically susceptible and his or her sibling not . Undercoat as well as furnishings on breeches and underside of tail may be lighter shades of the dominant color .

    双胞胎中的一个孩子将遗传易感性而他或她的同胞却不会。 如同四肢和尾部内侧,可能是遗传上显性的微淡一些的颜色。

  • In the ASH breed all colors with a silver inhibitor gene are required to have a white undercoat present on all parts of the cats including along the spine line .

    在美 国短毛猫品种 当中,所有带银抑制基因颜色需要有“白色”的 绒毛出现在整个身体当中,包括整个的脊骨线。

  • A black skirt was tied high trumpet sleeves with silk lined green undercoat and white silk scarves highlighted her light makeup .

    脂粉,一条黑 华丝葛裙子系得高高的,细腰喇叭袖 黑木 雪青绸夹袄,脖子上围着一条白丝巾。

  • They also adopt fibreglass reinforced plastics undercoat and corrosion resistant glass-flake coating lately .

    近年来又采用了玻璃纤维增强塑料 涂层、玻璃鳞片耐腐蚀涂料。

  • COAT : Coarse hair straight with a well developed undercoat .

    被毛:粗糙的被毛,直,有发育良好的 绒毛

  • The paint shall be homogeneously applied without exposed undercoat and depainting and minor scratch is not allowed ;


  • The undercoat is fine and tight on all the body .

    细腻、紧密, 包裹全身。

  • Synthesis and application of acrylic resin for UV-curable cathodic electrophoretic coating Cathodic electrophoretic coatings have been widely used as antirust undercoat for their excellent corrosion resistance high electrophoretic force and coulomb efficiency .

    紫外光固化阴极电泳涂料用丙烯酸树脂的合成及应用阴极电泳涂料由于其优异的耐蚀性能、的泳透力和库仓效率而广泛用作防锈 底漆

  • Check the density of general undercoat carpet and flexibility basically have two kinds of methods .

    检查一般 短毛地毯的密度和弹性,主要有两种方法。

  • This means that they have a soft downy undercoat and a harder guard coat .

    也就是说他们 除了柔软的 底层 以外,还有一层比较 硬的外层毛。

  • The undercoat on black and tan dogs also may be grey or tan .

    黑色同栗色 混杂 品种 也可能是灰的或栗色的。

  • The coat and heavy mane is thick with coarse guard hair and a wooly undercoat .


  • Phenomenon manifested in paint films by the wearing away of the finish to expose the substrate or undercoat .

    漆膜由于面漆磨损而使基材或 底漆暴露出来的现象。

  • HAIR : Medium length straight with dense undercoat never soft wavy or wiry .

    毛质:中等长度,直, ,不可以软、成波状或丝状。

  • A proper hunting coat will show a hard outer coat and wooly undercoat .


  • As the undercoat is a paler color the effect of this shading is a coat which appears to glow .

    如果 的颜色浅,这种阴影造成的效果是被毛看起来显得象在发光。