Can glasses prevent ultraviolet ray ?
眼镜可以防 紫外线吗?
Textiles & Testing method for transmission of ultraviolet ray
GB/T17032-1997纺织品织物 紫外线 透过率的试验方法
Conclusion Ozonizer disinfection is more effective than ultraviolet ray .
结论三氧消毒机空气消毒效果优于 紫外线。
The suitable protection may prevent the ultraviolet ray effectively protects your flesh .
适当的防护可有效阻挡 紫外线,保护您的肌肤。
Spec : Created with unique breakthrough formulas the foundation offers protection against ultraviolet ray .
说明:独特的新配方,具有防护 紫外线 功效。
The ozone layer is the best protection of the Earth umbrella it absorbs to come from big and parts of ultraviolet ray of the sun .
臭氧层是地球最好的保护伞,它吸收了来自太阳的大部分 紫外线。
Irradiated food Additional strength of illumination of summerly autumn season is relative taller the ultraviolet ray in sunshine has to virus very strong exterminate action .
辐照食物;受辐照食物;经 紫外光照射的食物另外,夏秋时节光照强度相对更高,阳光中的 紫外线对病毒有很强的杀灭作用。
The people often the yellow speckle and the sunlight or the ultraviolet ray relate in together actually the yellow speckle mainly concerns with organism internal secretion disorder .
人们往往将黄褐斑与日光或 紫外线联系在一起,其实,黄褐斑主要与机体内分泌紊乱有关。
Liquid Chlorine Disinfection and Ultraviolet Ray Disinfection Application Comparison in Reality
液氯消毒和 紫外线消毒在实践中的应用比较
This kind of ozone exhaust the phenomenon is a kind of abnormal phenomenon whether this expresses that this ultraviolet ray absorbs the layer or not is being placed in the global disaster ?
这种臭氧损耗现象是一种反常现象,这是否表明这一 紫外线吸收层正处于全球性灾难呢?
Design on emitter of solar blind ultraviolet ray speech communication system
日盲 紫外光语音通信发射系统的硬件设计
The ultraviolet ray light can sterilize the packing material .
机内装有 紫外线 杀菌灯,能对包装材料进行消毒灭菌。
Objective : To investigate the qualification rate of such disinfection apparatuses as pressure cooker and the ultraviolet ray lights used in the medical establishments in Donghe District .
目的:了解各级医疗机构高压锅、 紫外线灯配备及合格情况。
On the basis of a lot of experimental data the laws of particle radiation and ultraviolet ray effecting the mechanical properties are found and the effecting mechanism is analyzed .
在试验的基础上,讨论分析了空间 辐照对碳纤维面板铝蜂窝夹层结构力学性能的影响机理。
The ultraviolet ray light can sterilize the packaging material . PACKING : 25 KG NET WEIGHT FOR EACH BAG INNER LINED WITH DOUBLE LAYERS PLASTIC BAGS OUTER WITH WOVEN BAG .
机内装有 紫外线灯,能对包装材料进行消毒灭菌。包装:内衬双层塑料袋,外套编织袋包装。每袋净重25公斤。
Wall pressure distributions of combustion are measured and flame photographs of ultraviolet ray are got .
实验测量了燃烧室壁面压力分布,并拍摄了燃烧火焰 紫外光图像。
Influence of ultraviolet ray force-exposure on pigskin cover time on burn wound and mechanisms investigation
Using ultraviolet ray to do fluorescent light analysis and apraisal is now widely applied .
利用 紫外光对物质进行荧光分析检定,目前已得到广泛应用。
The Clinical Observation of the Ultraviolet Ray Treatment Meter in Oral Mucositis after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
The paper provides easy-to-understand daily life indexes such as the ultraviolet ray index morning exercise index sun protection factor index carwash and heat stroke indexes .
该报纸提供了一些诸如 紫外线指数、晨练指数、防晒指数、洗车指数以及中暑指数等简单易懂的每日生活指数提示。
But with the emphasis on people 's health people begin to use umbrellas resist ultraviolet ray and then UV protection umbrella are bron .
但是,强调人民群众的身体健康,人们开始使用雨伞抵御 紫外线,然后紫外线伞的保护支气管。
This standard defines the testing method for transmission of ultraviolet ray by using the ultraviolet intensity measure .
本标准规定了采用紫外线强度计法测定纺织品 紫外线透过率的方法。
The deuterium lamp is often used as ultraviolet ray lamp in UV measuring instrument the measuring accuracy of the instrument has close correlation with the stability of radiation energy .
织物紫外线透过 率测试仪是衡量织物抗 紫外线能力的仪器,氘灯作为 优选 的 紫 外 光源,其辐射强度的稳定密切关系到测量的精度和一致性。
Arrange a certain period of time for sun bath everyday taking the ultraviolet ray to sterilize and kill viruses .
每天安排一定时间适当进行太阳浴,利用 紫外线灭菌杀毒。
Conclusions The ultraviolet ray irradiation can adjust immunity function of patients with cervical spondylopathy .
结论 紫外线照射对颈椎病患者的免疫功能有促进和调节作用。
The utility model relates to a household article which is mainly composed of a support frame and a plurality of ultraviolet ray lamp tubes which are arranged on the top of the support frame .
本实用新型涉及生活用品。它主要由支架和装在其顶部的多支 紫外线灯管组成。
Using High Power Ultrasonic Wave to Improve Ultraviolet Ray Bactericidal Effectiveness during Sewage Treatment
利用大功率超声波提高污水处理 紫外线杀菌效果
Methods In six years results of bacterium culture were compared in110 times of ozonizer disinfection and99 times of ultraviolet ray disinfection .
方法比较6年来两种消毒方法空气细菌培养结果,其中三氧消毒机方法110次, 紫外线 法99次。
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are exposed to ozone ultraviolet ray or radiation .
避免电容器暴露在臭氧、 紫外线或辐射中。
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