



  • Asecret or underhand scheme ; a plot .

    阴谋,密谋秘密的或不 光彩的计划;

  • Mr Livingstone accused the government of being underhand .

    利文斯通先生指责政府 欺诈

  • He got the money in a very underhand manner .

    他用极为 狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。

  • It is obscure because it is underhand .

    它不公开,因为它是在 地下进行的。

  • Achieved success in business only by underhand methods .

    通过 卑鄙的手段达到商业上的成功。

  • Underhand work of that sort goes against my grain .

    这种 欺诈 勾当跟我格格不入。

  • oh it 's nothing underhand . he assured me .

    “噢,决不是什么 鬼鬼祟祟的事情。”他向我保证。

  • Maybe I can understand why you acted underhand .

    也许我能理解,你为何 如此 躲躲

  • You face underhand manoeuvres often enough you sense when somebody isn 't being entirely forthright about their intentions .

    面对 来意 不明 对手的时候你总是趋于 防守 止步不前。

  • Ball may be served underhand or overhand .

    发球有上手发球和 下手发球两种。

  • However the grenades do have a new secondary function - an underhand toss .

    但是,手雷有个新特点- 不过 扔投。

  • He 's gentleman and would never say anything underhand about me .

    他是一个君子,他不会 暗中 诋毁我。

  • Form intrigues ( for ) in an underhand manner .


  • I don 't believe in getting what by underhand method .

    我认为以 光明的手法获取想要得到的东西是 应该的。

  • A shot made with an underhand scooping motion .

    使用 捞球动作的低手投篮动作。

  • I wondered which underhand dodges she would attempt this time .

    我想知道她这一次将 采用什么 阴谋诡计

  • There are three basic kinds of service : the underhand serve the overhand serve and the hook serve or roundhouse serve .

    有三种基本的发球方法: 下手发球,上手发球和钩手发球或大力钩手发球。

  • You cannot afford to use underhand business methods .

    你不能用 幕后的商业手段。

  • A contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods .

    非常有攻击力和运用 思考的竞争者。

  • The stability of the underhand drift cemented filling body is analyzed by using stress arch theory and beam theory and a simple judgment formula of the stability is obtained .

    将压力拱理论与简支梁理论相结合分析了下 进路胶结充填体的稳定性,给出了充填体稳定性的简易判定公式;

  • General-ly speaking the curve can be divided as : hook small curve and big curve . There are three basic kinds of the underhand serve the overhand serve and the hook serve or roundhouse serve .

    一般来说,曲球从球的运行路线上又可分为:勾手、小曲球和大曲球。有三种基本的发球方法: 下手发球,上手发球和钩手发球或大力(臂)钩手发球。

  • What really angered her was the dirty underhand way they had tricked her .

    真正使她愤怒的是他们欺骗她的 卑鄙 可耻手段。

  • To deceive by sly or underhand means ;

    cheat用秘密的、 正大光明的手段骗取;

  • A person who is aboveboard does nothing underhand .

    明人不做 暗事

  • He had suspected his agent of some underhand dealing ; of meaning to bias him against the deserving ; and he had determined to go himself and thoroughly investigate the merits of the case .

    他怀疑他的代理人在 耍弄 诡秘 伎俩,企图 使他对 好好干的人产生偏见,因此他决定亲自跑一趟,彻底调查一下这里面的是非曲直。

  • A secret or underhand means of access ( to a place or a position ) .

    秘密地 私下地进入(一个地方或地点)。

  • Fire Prevention Technology for High-Gas-Easy-Spontaneous Combustion Super Large Underhand Working Face

    高瓦斯易自燃超大 采工作面的防灭火技术研究

  • I would never have expected her to behave in such an underhand way .

    我从未想到她的行为 如此 阴险