underground current

[ˈʌndɚˌɡraʊnd ˈkɚrənt][ˈʌndəɡraund ˈkʌrənt]

[电] 地下电流

  • The Situation and Prospect of Underground Auxiliary Trackless Transport Current Condition and Development of Underground Trackless Mining Equipments

    煤矿 井下无轨辅助运输的现状与展望井下无轨采掘设备的 现状和发展

  • An automatic drainage arrangement for protecting form underground stray current

    一种用于 地铁杂散 电流防护的自动排流装置

  • To detect damage of underground electric cable using direct - current recharge potential method

    应用 直流充电电位法查找 地下电缆破损点

  • Paper sums up various faults occurring in underground power network as a phenomenon of current unsymmetry by the display of which the protection is thereby activated .

    本文将 井下供电网路多种故障归结为 电流不对称现象,以其作为保护动作的反映源。

  • Last also hope the study on this subject could find a residential underground garage that more suitable to the current situation of our country and future development .

    最后,也希望对该课题的研究,能够找到一种更适宜我国 当前国情及未来发展的居住小区 地下车库模式。

  • The phase comparison error is the primary factor leading to mistaken action in the selective leakage protective system of underground LV networks based on zero sequence current direction .

    在基于零序 电流方向原理的 矿井低压电网选择性漏电保护中,比相误差是导致保护误动的主要因素。

  • Types of technology for underground infiltration system and their current application were introduced and the domestic project cases were summarized .

    介绍了 现有 地下渗滤系统工艺类型及其应用 现状,并对国内工程实例进行了总结。

  • An active and efficient scheme protecting from underground stray current

    一种积极有效的 地铁杂散 电流防护方案

  • The author of this paper agree to the point that the utilization and plan management of underground space should firstly base on current running system and then overstep it .

    作者认为, 城市 地下空间利用规划管理的基本思路应该是在 现有土地利用规划管理制度的基础上进行 发展和完善的。

  • Mainly discussed in the paper are the way to detect underground stray current and its effect the source of such current and the measures taken to lessen its action by making a reasonable selection of current drain points to raise drainage rate .

    本文着重介绍了 地下杂散 电流的勘测方法及结果,分析了 地下杂散电流的来源,提出了减少杂散电流影响的措施,讨论了合理选择排流点提高排流效果的问题。

  • The variations might be caused by the variations in the electric property of the underground medium due to the action of a strong electric current .

    其原因可能是强 电流作用下, 地下介质电性变化所致。

  • The paper studies the pH space-time varieties and their influences through the distribution of carbonate rock planktonic algae dissolved oxygen underground warm current water pollution etc which may provide a basis for Dianchi restoration .

    为了给高原湖泊治理提供依据,从滇池湖区地质背景、浮游藻类、溶解氧、 大地 热流、水质富营养化等方面研究pH值的时空变化及其影响。

  • Today the hot money usually have four ways to enter China the capital account underground banks current account and cash .

    现今,热钱通常有四种方式进入中国:资本账户、 地下钱庄、 经常账户和现钞携带。

  • Under the terms of the contract ABB will supply the underwater and underground cables for the high-voltage direct current ( HVDC ) link .

    根据合同条款,ABB将为该高压 直流(HVDC)电线提供水下和 地下电缆。

  • Then reference to the current domestic production of underground gas storage operation costs and XX gas reservoir current production situation studied the economic evaluation of the XX underground gas storage project .

    然后,参考国内目前 地下储气库运行的生产成本及XX气藏 目前的生产情况,对XX地下储气库项目进行经济评价研究。

  • Analysis of underground stray current of coal mine

    浅析煤矿 井下杂散 电流

  • It has been confirmed that the earthquake precursors of underground electromagnetic field are existent through the underground electronic field / current observation method and the practice of earthquake forecast for several decades .

    近几十年来, 大地电场( 电流)观测方法和地震预报的实践,证实 地下电场磁场临震前兆是存在的。

  • The lighting protection methods are as follows : ( 1 ) To lead the majority of lightning current to the underground by connecting the current and earth ( exterior protection );

    总的防雷原则是:1、将绝大部分雷 电流直接接闪引入 地下泄散(外部保护);

  • From the experiment result of metal specimens buried in underground discussing the influence of AC stray current on cathode protection by using galvanic anode method .

    根据室外现场 片试验结果,讨论了杂散 电流对牺牲阳极阴极保护性能的影响。

  • The uplift design methods of underground projects in current codes are analyzed it is discussed that the problems of uplift design and construction for underground projects using a project example which may be a reference for relevant designs .

    分析了 现行规范中有关 地下工程抗浮设计的方法,并结合一实例,对地下工程抗浮设计与施工中的一些问题进行了讨论,可供相关设计参考。

  • Many underground projects will be constructed in China in future with economy development . The construction techniques and methods are developed in underground engineering more frequently . The current status of construction techniques is described .

    阐述了我国地下工程主要施工技术方法,认为 地下工程 信息化设计施工技术是今后发展的方向。

  • Therefore how to prevent and exhaust fire smoke of underground architecture becomes a problem urgently solved in current research and design practice .

    因此,如何防控 地下建筑火灾烟气,成为 当前研究与设计实践亟待解决的问题。

  • The underground stock investment fund is most discussed in current stock trades .

    地下证券投资基金是 当前的证券业讨论最多的,许多人建议以私募基金来予以规范。

  • The distribution characteristics and laws of underground current for a change current system with the opposite direction are indicated in this paper .

    本文阐明了反向变分流系统 地下 电流的分布特点和规律。

  • Acquisition and Monitoring of Underground Current Signal in Coal Mine Based on Optical Transmission

    利用光纤技术实现煤矿 井下 电流信号的监控

  • For the current situation of shortage of urban resources and land is scarce the development and construction of the underground garage became an effective way to resolve the current parking problems .

    对于城市资源短缺、土地稀少的现状,开发和建设 地下车库成了解决 当前停车问题的有效途径。

  • However after years of use of light and the subway use fixed number of years . The study found that the use of the reinforced concrete structures in the normal use of underground projects affected complicatedly by stray current corrosion and fatigue .

    然而经过多年的使用发现轻轨和地铁达不到设计使用年限,研究发现其钢筋混凝土 地下结构在正常使用工程中,受到杂散 电流,腐蚀介质和疲劳荷载的复杂的混合作用。