underlying graph

[ˈʌndɚˌlaɪɪŋ ɡræf][ˌʌndəˈlaiiŋ ɡrɑ:f]


  • This paper attempts to show the underlying genetic logic in the structuralist psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan 's teaching by introducing Lacan 's topological theory of the graph of desire .

    本文通过介绍拉康欲望 图表的拓扑学理论,试图展示结构主义精神分析家拉康教学中的 潜在发生学逻辑。

  • This paper proposes a novel research topic i.e. how to measure the correlation be-tween attribute data and the topology of the underlying graph which covers a wide range of real-world problems ; hence it has a strong practical background and a promising appli-cation prospect .

    本文提出了一个新的研究问题 考察属性信息与 拓扑的关联程度,它涵盖了相当广泛的一类现实问题,有着很强的实际背景和应用前景。

  • The underlying topology of an interconnection network of a system is modelled by a graph G the diameter of G is an important measure for communication efficiency and delay of the system .

    我们用 G来作为互连网络 拓扑结构的模型。 G的直径是网络延迟和通信有效性的重要度量。

  • You can obtain the statistics from the table descriptor of the table node in the underlying access path graph .

    您可以从 基础访问路径 中的表节点的表描述符处获得该统计信息。

  • The algorithms discover the underlying mapping structure lying on a low-dimensional structure based on spectral graph theory and mine alarm pattern by analyzing point construction similarity .

    该算法基于谱 理论发现高维数据空间中 潜在的低维映射结构;通过分析低维空间中点结构之间的相似性,实现告警模式挖掘的目的。

  • A map on a surface is a cellular decomposition of closed surface into O-cells called vertices 1-cells called edges and 2-cells called faces . The vertices and edges of a map form its underlying graph .

    曲面上的(拓扑)地图是一个闭曲面的胞腔分解,0-胞腔称做顶点,1-胞腔称做边,2-胞腔称做面,顶点和边形成地图的 基图