


  • Some speakers if they 're reading from a complete text underling the words they want to emphasize .

    有的 演说者在诵读全文的 时候,在他们想要强调的词 下面 划线

  • That 's the kind where a boss tells an underling for example You can have a raise if you sleep with me .

    所谓的 补偿 条件,比如有上司对 下属说:跟我上床,我就给你涨工资。

  • Capable of establishing role group on the basis of roles and the authority of role group is the assembly of authority of each underling role ;

    可在角色的基础上创建角色组,其权限是 下属各角色权限的集合;

  • Discovery of such disruptions in the fine balance that normally exists between brain circuits underling reward motivation memory and cognitive control have important implications for designing multi-pronged therapies for treating addictive disorders .

    发现通常存在于 负责 奖赏、动机、记忆和认知控制的大脑回路的平衡被打破,对设计成瘾障碍多管齐下的治疗方案具有很大的意义。

  • Responsible for the assistance of draft out and prepare the all kinds of internal executive documents then hand round to different department and underling enterprise after the leading signed the confirmation .

    协助起草公司各类内部行政文件, 经上级领导 审阅签发后分送有关部门及 下属企业 落实与执行。

  • Every underling feared him .

    所有的 手下都怕他。

  • Leonard arguably presents both problems & on one view a governmental office sent an underling to silence a political opponent before he could make a potentially damaging speech .

    列昂纳德一案提出了双方的问题:根据观察,政府办公室在其制造潜在的破坏性言论 前派 下属压制政治对手。

  • There will be three days when a co-worker underling or conversely a work project may bring on stress .

    将有三天时,同事, 下属,或相反,工作项目可能带来的压力。

  • It is of great significance to accurately learn about the consumer behavior of university students at present since the values is the underling factors influencing consumer behavior .

    准确把握当前大学生消费行为具有重要意义,而价值观是影响消费者行为的 深层 因素。

  • The paper also emphasizes rules and main features which aid in underling the emotional adjectives which are in sentences .

    指出了 情意形容词与 其他形容词的 区别,强调了 情意形容词所 包含的感情、感觉形容词构成句子的一般规律及主要特征。

  • This can be avoided by explaining to the messenger that you are saving the feelings of the malodorous underling .

    但这种情况是可以避免的,方法是向那位代言人解释,你是在照顾那个有体味 下属的感受。

  • In their eyes there is no difference between the emperors such as Fuxi Yellow Emperor and the common people such as peddler and underling .

    在他们眼里,伏羲、黄帝与一般 贩夫走卒之间并无什差别。

  • He seemed to be master not underling now .

    他现在显得像是个主人,不是个 下属了。

  • However this method needs one time signature and thus adds noticeable overhead to the underling scheme .

    但由于该方法需要 用到一次性签名,给所 基于的方案增加了明显的通信和计算负载。

  • Abstract : Objective To study the underling mechanism of the effect of ginsenosides ( GS ) on spontaneous sleep .

    摘要:目的研究 人参皂甙(GS) 调节自然睡眠的作用机制。

  • According to the worldly criteria the dutiful children should not cater for parents by lie and the faithful underling should not flatter his supervisor .

    依照世俗的标准,孝顺的孩子不应该以不 言词 奉承父母亲;忠贞的 部下不应该谄媚直属长官。

  • One luckless underling who had been given a frosty bollocking said to the camera : I am going to kill myself .

    一名被痛斥了一顿的倒霉 下属对着摄影机说:我去自杀好了。

  • The Ju Yuan fruit exchange market is the underling of company which to the biggest and the equipments of it is the most complete of all fruit exchange market is the district .

    公司 下设 菊园果品交易市场的是全区规模最大,设施最完备的果品交易市场。

  • One such underling approached an associate of Mr. Bo shortly after a meeting in Dalian and begged the associate to give her a job .

    他的一个 下属在大连的一个会议结束后,立刻找到薄的一个同事,请求他能给她提供一份工作。

  • Adjust the underling people PA and salary status according to HR policy .

    根据人事部门政策,对 通道人员 绩效 考核/薪水调整。

  • He 's an underling of the gang leader .

    他是 匪首 爪牙

  • Once an underling always an underling .

    一旦是 下僚,永远都是一个下僚。

  • He had been cavalierly affronted by a man who but a short years before he would have considered a mere underling .

    几年前,他 认为这个人不过是个 无名小卒,现在居然傲慢地侮辱了他。

  • Rather than fire an underling he carried the can himself .

    他没有解雇 下属,而是自己担起了 过错

  • To direct and manage the underling to work effectively .

    综合有效指导并管理 下属 人事 事务 做;

  • It was this type of tech-hungry underling who drove the initial interest in the cloud .

    正是这类“技术饥饿”的 下属最先对云技术产生了兴趣。

  • I find the more power motivation the manager have the more strength their underling could feel and the job could go with a swing .

    调查发现具有权力动机的管理者更能让其 下属感到强大有力,工作进展更顺利。

  • When I was no longer an underling even as a senior team leader I still never felt that grown-up and I realized that much of the time I still felt clueless .

    然而当我不再是一个 跑腿的、甚至在我成为了一个有经验的队长时,我仍然做不到所谓的游刃有余,并且在多数时候我依旧感觉到毫无头绪。

  • One underling called her a demanding Diva while a peer describes her as a high latency micromanager .

    一名 下属称她为“苛刻的天后”,而同行则描述她为一名“深度潜伏、事无巨细的管理者”。

  • Own the ability of management and guide of underling .

    拥有管理、培养、指导 下属的能力;