underground tank


  • Here is a way to prevent underground oil storage tank from permeation of water in which glass steel and polyvinyl chloride film are used to serve as damp-proof lining .

    本文介绍了 地下储油 渗漏水的防治方法,并选用了玻璃钢及聚氯乙烯塑料薄膜制作 室防水防潮衬套。

  • Construction of underground structure - reinforced concrete water tank

    地下 构筑物&钢筋混凝土 水池的施工

  • And an underground tank can store one million seven hundred thousand liters of rainwater for air conditioning and other systems .

    一个 地下的大 水槽能够储存一百七十万公升的雨水为空气调节和其他的系统。

  • Numerical Simulation of Temperature and Stress of Underground Double-wall Concrete Oil Tank

    地下混凝土双壁 油罐温度应力数值模拟

  • Design of Underground Tank Filled of LPG in Gas Station

    加气站内 地下LPG 贮罐的设计

  • The main design points on fire fighting water supply and drainage in LPG underground tank field are summarized and the matters needing attention in the design are discussed .

    总结了液化石油气 地下 储罐区的消防给水与排水的设计要点,讨论了设计中应注意的问题。

  • The floating problem of underground buoyant oil tank always happens during the rainy season in spring and summer .

    为防止加油 地埋 油罐在春、夏多雨季节易发生的上浮事故。

  • Application of cathodic protection on tank and underground steel structure in new tank farm and its system operation situation

    库区储罐及 地下钢结构阴极保护的应用及系统运行状况

  • An artificial reservoir for storing liquids ; especially an underground tank for storing rainwater .

    贮存液体的人工水库;通常是贮存雨水的 地下 池塘

  • Through analysis on the status of natural gas reserves development in some countries and areas in the world it is resulted from their experiences of natural gas storage practices as follows : the underground storage will be favorable than the surface tank storage ;

    通过对世界上部分国家和地区天然气战略储备发展状况及天然气储备经验的分析,得出:①天然气 地下储备优于地表 储备

  • Landfill monitoring system includes monitorings of underground water water level of underground water drainage system Leachate level leachate storage tank leachate gases soil and stabilization of final cover layer eight parts .

    填埋场监测系统包括地下水监测, 地下水排水系统水位监测,沥滤液水位监测,沥滤液贮 水池监测,渗漏液监测,气体监测,土壤监测和最终覆盖层的稳定性监测8个部分。

  • Using the cold underground water to make up the nutrient solution in the tank or reducing the greenhouse temperature in summer .

    夏天采用低温的 地下水配制 中营养液,或降低温室(大棚)的气温。

  • The Changping Pump Station was designed underground and integrated with the detention tank so as to make proper use of the underground space and coordinate with the surroundings .

    为合理利用地下空间并与周边环境有机结合,将上海市昌平泵站及调蓄 设计为全 地下 、泵站与调蓄 合建的排水构筑物。

  • As a form of oil storage comparing the ground storage tank water sealed underground petroleum storage caverns has a lot of advantages . Firstly water sealed underground petroleum storage caverns is safer than the ground storage tank .

    地下水封 洞库作为一种储油形式较地上储 油罐有很大的优点。

  • The New Technology of LNG Underground Storage Tank

    LNG 地下 储罐新工艺

  • The construction of underground aqua storage tank


  • Evaluation of source intensity of underground tank explosion accident

    地下 储罐爆炸事故源强估算

  • Corrosion and Protection of LPG Underground Storage Tank

    地下液化石油气 储罐的腐蚀与防护

  • Numerical analysis for underground concrete oil tank

    中式混凝土 油罐的数值模拟

  • Design of Underground Tank Filled of LPG

    埋地 LPG 贮罐的强度设计

  • In the view of energy release based on explosion theory the evaluation method of source intensity of underground tank explosion is studied by the conclusion of exploring .

    从能量释放的角度出发,以爆炸理论为基础,利用爆破技术中已得出的结论,着重研究 地下 储罐爆炸事故源强的估算方法。

  • Construction technology for steel mesh dome of underground oil tank

    地下油库 帽钢丝网穹顶施工技术

  • Diesel is one of the most used fuel in transportation . And it causes soil contamination in the course of processing unreasonable waste disposal as well as the accident occurred particularly underground storage tank leakage .

    柴油是目前运输工具中使用最多的燃料之一,在其加工过程中,因其不合理的 处置会导致土壤污染,使土壤环境严重破坏。

  • On the safety measures for leakage prevention of underground oil depot ( tank ) and prevention of groundwater pollution

    浅议 地下贮油库( )的防泄漏安全措施和地下水的污染防护

  • Replacement of the underground pillars and time-consuming effort and the expansion tank column repair costs high inflation will be a serious tank beyond repair .

    井下更换立柱费时费力,并且胀 的立柱修复费用很高,胀缸严重的将无法修复。

  • During the test of Ku1 well in Da Zhangtuo underground gas storage tank MHS packer is blocked and set in stage collar of deviated section .

    大张坨 地下储气 库1井试油,MHS封隔器在斜井段分级箍时遇阻坐封。

  • The method is used in the project of Huangdao Water-Sealed Underground Oil Tank and it has special superiority in the analysis of permeability tensors and is practical .

    通过 黄岛 地下水封洞库工程实例具体分析了这种方法的优点,说明利用电视钻孔成像结果来研究渗透张量具有可行性。