Objective ; To observe the intima ultrastructure of middle cerebral artery in hypertensive rats .
目的:观察高血压大鼠大脑中动脉内膜的 超微 结构 变化。
Effect of High Fluorine on the Antioxidant Function and Ultrastructure of Liver in Chickens
高氟对雏鸡肝脏抗氧化功能和 超微 结构的影响
Effect of agitation and aeration rate on cell growth extracellular polysaccharide product and cell ultrastructure were studied .
研究了搅拌式光生物反应器中搅拌速度、通气量对紫球藻生长、胞外多糖和藻细胞 超微 结构的影响。
Graft could not recovery the ultrastructure anatomy and biomechanics of the normal ligament .
重建后的韧带并不能恢复正常的 超微 结构、解剖学特征和生物力学性能。
Effects of emodin and astragalus polysaccharides on hepatic ultrastructure in rat hepatic injury
大黄素和黄芪多糖对实验性肝损伤大鼠肝脏 超微 结构的影响
Objective To observe the effects of gentamycin on the proliferation and ultrastructure of primary cultured rabbit osteoblasts .
目的观察庆大霉素对兔成骨细胞增殖及 超微 结构的影响。
The ultrastructure of the blepharoplast and the multilayered structure ( MLS ) in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea var.
精子发育过程中的生毛体和多层结构的 超微 结构进行了研究。
Methods The microscopic features and ultrastructure of NOS in the spinal cord tissue of rats were observed by immunohistochemistry and immunoelectronmicroscopy .
方法应用免疫组化及免疫电镜技术研究大鼠脊髓组织中NOS的显微及 超微 结构特征。
Objective To isolate and culture human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) and explore their biological features and ultrastructure .
目的分离和培养人脐带间充质干细胞(MSC),研究其生物学特性和 超微 结构。
Objective To investigate the influence of Gallium on osteocyte ultrastructure in osteoporosis .
目的探讨镓盐对骨质疏松骨细胞 超微 结构的影响。
Observation of microstructure and ultrastructure of the thyroid gland in juvenile yak
幼龄牦牛甲状腺的显微结构和 超微 结构观察
Effect of Salt Stress on Root Ultrastructure of Fraxinus americana and Prunus maritima
盐胁迫对美国白蜡和滨梅根系 超微 结构的影响
Effect of bevacizumab on retinal ultrastructure
Bevacizumab对视网膜 超微 结构影响的实验研究
Histology and Cellular Ultrastructure of Suprarenal Gland in Bactrian Camels
双峰驼肾上腺的组织学与细胞 超微 结构
Study on ultrastructure of seminiferous epithelium in rats with varicocele
精索静脉曲张大鼠生精小管生精上皮的 超微 结构研究
Objective To observe the effect of dihydroartemisinin ( DHA ) on the ultrastructure of Trichomonas vaginalis cultured in vitro .
目的观察双氢青蒿素(DHA)对阴道毛滴虫 超微 结构的影响。
Objective : To observe the influence of dexamethasone on dog 's retina ultrastructure .
目的:观察地塞米松对犬视网膜 超微 结构的影响。
Objective To study the mutability of ultra sodium pyrosulfite intake on ultrastructure changes and spermatogonium mice testis .
目的研究经口摄入超量焦亚硫酸钠对小鼠睾丸 超微 结构影响及对精原细胞的致突毒性。
The structure and ultrastructure of adult of Paragonimus heterotremus were observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) .
采用光镜和透射电镜对异盘并殖吸虫成虫的结构和 超微 结构进行了观察。
Objective : In order to study ultrastructure of right atrium in SHR .
前言:目的研究自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)右心房的 超微 结构。
The changes in ultrastructure of heart cells confirmed the effects of adenosine on metabolism and function .
心肌细胞 超微 结构的改变从 形态学的角度证明了上述代谢和功能的变化。
Objective To investigate the effect of nonaqueous fixative on the ultrastructure of the peritoneal surface layer .
目的比较水性和非水性固定剂对腹膜表面层 超微 结构的影响。
Objective : to study the ultrastructure characteristics of neuronal apoptosis of the brain in the heroin addictive rats .
目的:研究海洛因成瘾大白鼠脑内神经元凋亡的 超微 结构变化。
Objective To know the ultrastructure and function of synapse in mammal 's medulla oblongata megacell reticular nucleus .
目的探讨哺乳动物延髓巨细胞网状核内突触的 超微 结构及其功能。
Objective : To observe the alteration of mouse embryonic palatal ultrastructure after DEX and Vitamin B12 exposure .
目的:观察地塞米松和维生素B12作用后腭胚突 超微 结构的变化。
Effects of methotrexate on histology and ultrastructure of salpinx in pseudocyesis rat
甲氨蝶呤对假孕大鼠输卵管组织学及 超微 结构的影响