


  • I suffered all the agonies of a man bound to a wife with one is seemed temperate and unchaste .

    我受尽了一个男人的痛苦,妻子既 温和又 贞洁

  • And indeed if I had stayed unchaste I would have gotten burned out .

    的确,如果我保持 节操的,我会失去 兴趣

  • In other words turtle and wife must be unchaste .

    也就是说,“龟”的老婆一定是 贞洁的。

  • If she dared to violate the rules in the patriarchal society she would be regarded as an unchaste and vicious woman .

    如果违背父权制社会的 伦理 法权势必会 不贞 堕落 形象