Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy which put the emphasis on creation intuition irrationality and unconsciousness .
亨利.伯格森在前人基础上创立了非理性哲学,强调创造力,直觉,非理性与 无 意识。
The people are returned to passiveness inertness and unconsciousness ; the legislator enters into omnipotence .
人民返回被动、迟钝和 无 意识,立法者则变得无所不能。
With its special mental mechanism unconsciousness is closely connected with inspiration and dream in literary and artistic creation .
无 意识的产生有其独特的心理机制,它与文艺创作中的灵感和梦有着紧密联系。
In this story the social circumstances under which Miranda lives the insecurity in her unconsciousness and the writer 's experience are the causes of the consciousness .
米兰达所处的特定的社会环境、她的 潜意识中的不安全感以及作者的亲身经历无不成为小说中随处可见的死亡意识的原因。
That 's how we are educated bit by bit to be a girl through archetypal unconsciousness .
那就是我们如何被一点一滴地教育成一个女孩,通过这种神话原型的 无 意识。
I gave him a sufficient dose of veronal to insure his unconsciousness for several hours .
我给他服了一些佛罗那,叫他可以 人事不省地好好睡几个钟头觉。
Giddiness and possible unconsciousness .
眼花并可能 失去 知觉。
During that timeless moment of unconsciousness I saw the golden eternity .
在那个没有时间的 无 意识时刻我看见了金色永恒。
Wang Weis time perception is behind the group unconsciousness reflected in the points about scarce and suffering in time and embodies time change time limitlessness and time perpetualness .
王维对于时间的感知,超越了中国人在时间问题上恐惧和忧患的 “集体 无 意识”,表现出时间的无常性、时间的 无时间性和时间的瞬息永恒性。
At high concentrations reaction time and memory may deteriorate and unconsciousness may occur .
在高浓度反应期间,可能导致记忆力衰退,甚至可能 丧失 意识。
Unconsciousness is nothing but nature 's way of giving youanesthesia .
无 意识就是自然麻醉你的方法。
Did he come out of this episode of unconsciousness ?
他 苏醒过来了吗?
The ideology of consumption infiltrates into people 's unconsciousness through the consumption of signs and maintains the capitalistic legitimacy .
消费意识形态通过符号消费渗透进人的 无 意识中.为资本主义的合法性辩护。
The weakened poet sank into unconsciousness and died under his terrified doctors ' hands .
虚弱的诗人陷入 昏迷,随后死在两位被吓破了胆的医生手中。
At low oxygen concentrations unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds and without warning .
在低氧浓度情况下, 意识 不 清和死亡会在几秒钟内发生,而且没有警告。
Infants may be unable to feed or drink and may also experience unconsciousness hypothermia and convulsions .
婴儿可能无法进食或喝水,并可出现 失去 知觉、低体温和惊厥。
It promotes the abundant lives perfectly under the condition of unconsciousness .
他都是在 不 自觉的状态下,完美地促成丰足的生命。
Later signs can include uncontrolled shivering unconsciousness and death .
之后的症状包括控制不住身体的发抖, 失去 自觉甚至死亡。
This debate reveals the different understandings of humanity and a struggle for the masterdam over social unconsciousness .
儒道之争是对人性的不同理解,是对社会 无 意识控制权的争夺。
That 's because successful anesthetization requires complete unconsciousness and consciousness isn 't something we can measure .
因为,成功的麻醉需要实现完全 无 意识,而我们现有的技术还无法对意识加以衡量。
If you react at all to your partner 's unconsciousness you become unconscious yourself .
如果你对伴侣的 无 意识行为做出反应,你自己也变成了无意识。
He had lapsed into unconsciousness .
他陷入了 昏迷 状态。
Even in his state of unconsciousness we noticed that TM kept moving his legs to the Sadhana position .
即使在他 昏迷的状况,我们注意到TM不断地移动他的脚成仪轨中的姿势。
The wounded soldier opened his eyes smiled at us and them lapsed into unconsciousness again .
伤员睁开眼睛朝我们笑了笑,然后又 失去了 知觉。
If hypothermia is overlooked unconsciousness will result and even death .
体温过低的情况如被忽略,可能会导致 人事不省,甚至死亡。
They fell that is to say either through consciousness or through unconsciousness .
那就是说,它们丧失 权力或者是通过自觉,或者是通过 不 自觉。
Henry James ; The Turn of the Screw ; Lacan ; unconsciousness ; Real ; homosexuality ; escape ;
亨利·詹姆斯;《螺丝在拧紧》; 无 意识;实在界;同性恋;逃脱;
In a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness ; unable to respond to external stimuli .
处在很深的、而且通常是持续的 无 意识 的 状态 之中;不能对外界刺激作出反应。
Unconsciousness erased the details of the accident from her memory .
Four Characteristics of the Trade-off Phenomenon Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness
意识和 无 意识权衡现象的四个特征