But fluffy optimism is as unhelpful as Afro-pessimism .
但空洞的乐观主义与非洲悲观主义一样 毫无裨益。
On things that arent really that important but you do out of old habit or other unhelpful reasons .
这些事情并没有那么重要,你只是因为旧习惯或是其他 错误的原因而去做 它们。
He was rude and unhelpful to his helpless students .
他对他那些无助的学生既无礼又 不 提供 帮助。
But his warning like mum 's is decidedly unhelpful .
但同我的母亲一样,他的警告 丝毫 无济于事。
Calling all wealthy Americans job creators for example is as unhelpful as it is ridiculous .
例如,把全体美国富人称作“创造就业岗位的人” 既 无济于事,又荒唐可笑。
Because that guy in there was like very unhelpful .
因为那里的那个家伙,什么也 帮 不上。
The long saga of sterling and Europe has also been unhelpful .
英国货币与欧盟的历史也有着 消极 的 影响。
These unhelpful beliefs keep us trapped .
这些 毫无 帮助的信条把我们局限住了。
The twin crises show how the two political systems have evolved in an unhelpful fashion .
这一对危机表明,两套政治体系是如何以一种 无益的方式演变的。
Diplomacy is unhelpful in this process .
外交 姿态在这一过程中 毫无 帮助。
I found the staff extremely unhelpful .
我发现职员们极其 不 合作。
I knew the wretchedness of human being and unhelpful time is more valuable for everyone than any other things .
我知道可怜的人,和 无益的,时间是更有价值,每个人比其他任何东西。
I find that the staff on some airlines can be very unhelpful .
我觉得某些航线上的机组人员服务不是很 好。
Forcing a company to the top of the results under a non relevant term is a no-go and is very unhelpful to both the searcher and the advertiser .
强制公司根据一个不相关的长期的结果的顶部是一个没有去是非常 无益的搜索者和广告商。
He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients .
他说医生对肥胖病人有偏见是 没有 好处的。
This seems like a pretty unhelpful division as every employee in almost every organisation needs to be both .
这似乎是一种相当 无益的划分方法,因为几乎所有组织的所有员工都需要同时具备这两点。
Commented blocks of code are not only unhelpful but actively confusing .
将代码注释掉不仅没有 任何 帮助而且非常容易造成混乱。
Such disparity in national fortunes can and often does create envy and resentment especially if the former is perceived as being unhelpful or supercilious in its treatment of the other .
两国之间的发展差距,往往会导致妒忌和怨恨的心理,尤其是当前者被视为 高傲自大和不 愿意帮助后者。
Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation .
那些反对或支持转基因作物的人本身就造成了一种 无益的观念。
But this view of creativity is simply wrong and unhelpful in a corporate setting .
但这种观点完全错了,而且在公司环境 毫无 帮助。
The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful .
批评既不公正又 无济于事。
His mother gave him plenty of unhelpful advice .
他母亲给了他许多 无用的忠告。
In the first place it 's important that we avoid I think two equally unhelpful ways of responding to this .
首先很重要的是,我们要避免,我认为的两种同样 无益 的 解析方式。
If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman .
银行要是 不 肯 帮忙,就去找申诉专员。
Please don 't regard this as being unhelpful we 're trying to help you help yourself .
请不要认为这 没 用,我们会帮助你自助。
Harry 's comments were more unhelpful than anything else .
哈 罩的意见和其他的相比更 没 用。