


  • Art is uncompromising and life is full of compromise .

    艺术是 妥协的,而生活充满了妥协。

  • This uncompromising attitude may have led to his undoing .

    也许就是这种 妥协的态度导致了他的毁灭。

  • The softer tone contrasts with the uncompromising line Beijing has taken towards the outgoing Bush administration over military matters .

    这一温和论调,与北京对离任前的布什政府在军事问题上 妥协的立场形成对比。

  • In our uncompromising policy we mean no harm to the common people of the Axis nations .

    我们的 妥协政策对轴心国的平民百姓并无恶意。

  • Storms can be – and are being – of intense uncompromising and unexpected strength .

    风暴会是正是激烈的、 妥协的、意想不到的力量。

  • She often takes a hard uncompromising attitude .

    她常采取强硬的 妥协的态度。

  • He is too uncompromising to excuse the children 's mistakes .

    他对孩子们的错误 绝不原谅。

  • The city 's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders .

    这座城市毫不 妥协的荒凉面貌是对其神秘莫测的创建者的永久纪念。

  • He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising .

    他的严厉和 强硬 态度 了名的。

  • His uncompromising personality explains why he could no longer put up with his employer and eventually submitted his resignation .


  • The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising .

    警方目前即将采取的策略明显很 强硬

  • However the earliest judicial decisions interpreting the delegation doctrine contained broad uncompromising statements .

    然而,最早期的司法裁决在解释授权理论时包含了广泛和 妥协的陈述。

  • His uncompromising condemnation of racism .

    从来 没有 放弃 对种族主义的谴责。

  • And this is why our company has its uncompromising if rigid rule .

    这就是为什么我们公司 制定这个 不容 妥协虽然 有些僵化的规定。

  • He enjoined them to be fierce and uncompromising .

    他吩咐他们要凶猛, 妥协

  • However the language of the Institutes is not so uncompromising as Luther 's had been .

    然而,语言的“研究所”,是不那麽 强硬,因为路德的已。

  • While Eliza Williams looks at the life and work of uncompromising ad-man Ron Collins .

    当伊莉莎·威廉姆斯看着生活和工作的 妥协的ad-man,罗恩·科林斯。

  • Attack the government 's uncompromising stand on education cuts .

    抨击政府在削减教育经费问题上的 僵硬 态度

  • Every note in this performance is played with an uncompromising clarity .

    这场演出中的每一个音符都 特别清晰。

  • At work George was known as an uncompromising businessman .

    在工作上,乔治是一个 让步的商人。

  • Our products are uncommon and uncompromising as the customers and clients who use them .

    我们产品是少见,他们 妥协的消费者和客户谁使用 探险家

  • He was an uncompromising opponent of the great war .

    他是第一次世界大战的 坚决反对者。

  • This is an uncompromising struggle .

    这是一场 调和的斗争。

  • On stage she seems hard brash and uncompromising .

    在台上她显得强硬、自负且 妥协

  • We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake .

    对于所从事的一切工作,我们都 凭着 坚定的决心去追求卓越。

  • In the past three days Vladimir Putin president of Russia has given his uncompromising answer .

    在过去3天里,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)给出了一个 强硬的答案。

  • He hated to see her taking this hard uncompromising attitude .

    他不喜欢看到她采取这种强硬的 妥协的态度。

  • Reunion in essence displays this sort of immortal spirit and uncompromising fighting concretely .

    大团圆具体地表现了这种不朽的精神永不 妥协的抗争。

  • Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician .

    撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、 轻易 妥协的政治家。