


  • They are the deficient practice management the uncritical one-off medical articles management and the lack of public health nursing quality supervision .

    护士执业管理 到位, 一次性医疗用品管理 规范,缺乏公共卫生护理工作质量监督。

  • He was uncritical of his son 's conduct .

    儿子的行为 批判

  • Their uncritical love of their children .

    他们对孩子们 不问 宠爱

  • Having discovered through an uncritical observation of your reactions to life a self that must be changed you must now formulate an aim .

    通过 批判 观察你对生活的反应,发现了需要改变的自我,你现在必须确立一个目标。

  • However uncritical acceptance of any system leads to problems .

    但是, 不假思索的接受任意 思想体系会导致问题。

  • They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets .

    他们用合理化的解释来代替诗人的想象和 分析的 传说

  • He naturally prefers an adoring uncritical audience .

    他当然喜欢赞美他的、 挑剔的观众。

  • Mr Li is far from uncritical of Volvo .

    对于沃尔沃,李书福并不吝于 批评

  • Uncritical adoption of information from unchecked sources makes it easier to create a herd effect on the Internet in China than elsewhere .

    相比于其它地方, 不假思索 吸收来源 不明的信息,这种 习惯在中国的互联网上更容易产生羊群效应。

  • There was one sample as 96 % similarity as uncritical bacterial clone .

    有一个样品 含有 鉴定的细菌克隆,同源性为 96%

  • She was absolutely uncritical she believed everything .

    她完全没有 辨别 能力,什么都相信。

  • An uncritical attitude view etc

    不愿 批评的态度、观点等

  • Their writings were celebratory in nature and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources .

    她们的著作本质上是庆贺主义,她们 对于她们的选择和使用的来源 缺乏 批判 精神

  • All functions in an enterprise are indispensable according to their importance they can be divided into two kinds of critical and uncritical ones .

    企业内的各项职能虽然都是实现企业目标所不可缺少的,但由于重要性不同,区分为关键职能和 关键职能。

  • The North tested its first nuclear weapon in2006 an event some say was made easier by the relatively uncritical transfers of billions of dollars worth of aid and investment from the South .

    北韩在2006年试验了第一枚核武器。有人认为,韩国 似乎 皂白 几十亿美元的援助和资本投入北韩,进而 加速了北韩的核试验。

  • News sources reflected uncritical estimates of the number of juvenile addicts .

    新闻的原始资料反映出对青少年吸毒人数的 盲目估计。

  • This is not to imply he is uncritical of the entire plan .

    这并不意味着,他对整个计划 毫无 批评 意见

  • Uncritical acceptance of credit ratings by purchasers of these toxic assets has led to huge losses .

    投资人 判断 各种信用评级 收,买入大量有毒资产随后造成了巨大的损失。

  • An uncritical attitude view etc In criticism it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness .

    不愿 批评的态度、观点等批评要防止主观武断。

  • Under the constraint of the optimal resource cost an algorithm based on resource competition chain was also promoted to update the float information of the uncritical activities .

    在最优耗费的约束下,还给出了一个基于资源竞争链的 浮动信息更新算法,以便更新 活动的浮动信息。

  • Sir Frank is affectionate but not uncritical .

    弗兰克先生充满深情但不无 批判

  • Certainly many of the bubble factors he writes of are present : advantageous tax reforms demographic factors uncritical extrapolation of past returns into the future and saturation media coverage .

    当然,他写到的很多泡沫因素是存在的:有利的税收改革、人口条件因素、 根据过去收益推导未来的 盲目 预期、以及媒体铺天盖地的报道。