


  • Unfreeze Document Layout ( Ink Annotations May Move )

    取消 冻结文档版式(可能会 引起墨迹注释移动)

  • Turkey reopened its embassy in Libya on Friday a day after world leaders agreed to unfreeze billions of dollars of Libyan assets to help the country 's interim government rebuild .

    上周星期五,就在各国领导人均赞成 解冻利比亚数十亿的资金以帮助该国过渡政府的重建工作的第二天,土耳其宣布恢复与利比亚外交关系。

  • Now the Federal Reserve says it will devote an additional $ 600 billion to combat the mortgage meltdown and another $ 200 billion to unfreeze consumer credit .

    现在,美国联邦储备委员会又说,将再拿出6000亿美元来抵御房贷市场的下滑,另外 还要 拿出2000亿美元来 帮助消费者信贷 市场 解冻

  • G7 ministers in Washington produced a broad-brush plan on Friday to stop banks failing unfreeze bank funding inject capital into banks reform deposit insurance and unblock markets for securitised assets .

    七国集团部长上周五在华盛顿制定了一份阻止银行破产、向银行 注资、改革存款保险及盘活证券化资产市场的总体计划。

  • After Khrushchev 's unfreeze reappraising Stalin in the time of Brezhnev became striking .

    经历了赫鲁晓夫的 解冻,勃列日涅夫时期对斯大林的重新评价问题显得非常突出。

  • Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg have been making quite a splash this year with their cinemagraph technique combining still photography and video to unfreeze a photo in time .

    JamieBeck和KevinBurg今年用cinemagraph技术引起了很多关注,这种技术将静止的图片和视频结合在一起“ 解冻”了尘封在图片中的某一个片刻。

  • To unfreeze panes on the Window menu click Unfreeze Panes .

    取消对窗格的 冻结,请在窗口菜单上单击取消冻结窗格。

  • Unfreeze the file system .


  • All these developments would unfreeze scarce resources for other pressing needs .

    所有这些进展都可以 稀缺资源 解放 出来满足其他迫切的需求。

  • The influences were mainly manifested in Chinese poetry and novel writing . After the death of Stalin Soviet literature came into the period of Unfreeze .

    斯大林去世后,苏联文学进入了 解冻时期,在苏联文学 同行的影响下,中国 境内19561957 出现了百花文学。

  • And they 'll probably unfreeze one of the smaller accounts .

    那么他们就很可能 解冻其中的一个小账户。

  • And learning the lessons from the perspective of school leaders and putting forward seven measures to activate the middle-aged teachers . Firstly public the change idea and unfreeze the balance .

    然后汲取经验教训,从学校领导者角度,提出七条激活中年教师的措施,分别是:第一,宣传变革理念, 解冻平衡状态。

  • To unfreeze the global financial market therefore requires significant increases in bank capitalisation not just to the status quo ante and not just to account for the toxic securitised assets themselves but to adjust for the stuff that is getting toxic right now and tomorrow .

    因此, 解冻全球金融市场需要大幅增加银行的资本总额,不仅是恢复到原有状况,也不仅是针对有毒证券化资产本身,还应根据目前和今后将变得“有毒的”那部分资产进行调整。

  • It allows you to unfreeze the thinking of the group .

    它能让你 放开小组的思维。

  • Just click Unfreeze Panes on the Window menu .

    取消 冻结,只需单击窗口菜单上的 撤消 冻结窗格。

  • Fed chief Bernanke expressed confidence that the current financial rescue package will help unfreeze credit and allow businesses and consumers to secure loans that will boost economic activity .

    伯南克对于目前的金融救助计划可以 舒缓信贷 冻结表达了信心。信贷 解冻将有利于企业和消费者贷款,从而刺激经济活动。

  • Unfreeze wages prices etc

    解除对工资、价格等的 冻结

  • If you don ′ t get it right the first time it ′ s easy to unfreeze and try again .

    如果第一次没有获得正确的结果,很容易 取消 冻结并重试。

  • Italian banks are to unfreeze Libyan assets worth more than $ 500 million .

    意大利银行准备 解冻利比亚政府价值五亿美元的资产。

  • Since tasks consisted of multiple threads and it was the code in the threads that used the IPC mechanism Mach was able to freeze and unfreeze threads while the message was handled .

    因为任务由多个线程组成,使用IPC机制的代码又被 在线程 内部,所以Mach可在消息处理 前后冻结和 解冻线程。

  • It takes the microwave time to warm up your dinner enough to unfreeze it .

    因为那时还没有足够的时间能让微波炉 解冻它。

  • Mr Cameron said all countries had agreed to ask the United Nations for permission to unfreeze all Libyan assets .

    卡梅伦先生说,所有国家已经同意请求联合国 解冻所有利比亚资产。

  • By the time they unfreeze libya 's assets and money some people somewhere will become overnight billionaires .

    利比亚的资产 解冻时,某些人会突然成为亿万富翁。