


  • Learn to foster an ardent imagination ; so shall you descry beauty which others passed unheeded & George Norman Douglas British writer .

    要学会培养一种有激情的想象力,如此你就可以发现 别人 忽视的美&乔治。诺曼。道格拉斯,英国作家。

  • As in the past the call went largely unheeded .

    像过去一样, 反对 的呼吁基本上被 人们 忽视

  • But Gore feels the federal response to the disaster was the most important aspect of it : The fact that there were clear warnings that went unheeded shook people .

    但戈尔感觉,美国联邦政府对这场灾难的反应,才是问题最重要的方面:政府忽视了一些明确的警告,这令人们感到 震撼

  • On the day when the lotus bloomed alas my mind was straying and I knew it not . my basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded .

    那天,莲花绽放,唉,我不觉心旌摇荡。我的花篮空着,花儿我也没 理睬

  • His cries would have gone unheeded .

    他的呼喊 不会有 注意

  • Florence would sometimes look no more at this and bursting into tears would hide behind the curtain as if she were frightened or would hurry from the window . Yet she could not help returning ; and her work would soon fall unheeded from her hands again .

    弗洛伦斯有时不愿再看下去,泪如泉涌,像受惊似地躲在窗帘后面,或者急忙从窗口 走开;可是她不由自主地 会回来;她的针线活又会不知不觉地从她手中 掉落

  • The doctor 's attentions were unheeded by the widow .

    医生献殷勤 但是寡妇 理睬

  • The appeal had gone mostly unheeded .

    这项请求没 什么 理睬

  • He urged the company to use a different leak testing method one that he devised he said but his advice went unheeded .

    他敦促公司使用一种不同的漏气检测方法,也就是他设计的方法。但他说,自己的建议没有 采纳

  • And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed .

    由于所犯下的过错,你们必须去叩击那 受福 的门,且会在 片刻 恭候 受到 冷落

  • Their appeal for help went unheeded .

    他们求助的呼吁 受到 注意

  • All of her suggestions had gone unheeded .

    她的所有建议均未 引起 注意

  • The advice of experts went unheeded

    专家的意见 重视

  • My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded .

    我的花篮空着,花儿我也 没有 理睬

  • Schubert 's grace and Chopin 's beautiful sorrows and the mighty harmonies of Beethoven himself fell unheeded on his ear .

    舒伯特的温文、肖邦的忧伤的美和贝多芬的 雄浑的和谐,他都 可以充耳不闻。

  • But if reasoning goes unheeded arms will have to speak .

    不听,就会 讲。

  • But the real lessons went unheeded .

    但真正的教训却 人们 忽略了。

  • Proof of that is that America 's urgent insistence that China revalue the renminbi has gone unheeded .

    其证据是,美国急切主张,中国应让人民币升值, 中方 不予 理会

  • Also biggest challenger to greenback 's hegemony : Calls for IMF to create a substitute for the dollar as the world 's currency of choice not unheeded .

    另外是美元霸权的最大挑战者,他呼吁国际货币基金组织建立一种世界货币来代替美元的地位的 观点 忽视

  • Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded .

    罚款的威胁也 无济于事

  • Professor bank 's advice went unheeded with dire results .

    忽视 班克教授的建议导致了。

  • He warms to his theme : Because if those warnings went unheeded what do you make of Bush w_1242 ignoring the warnings about global warming ?

    他继续自己的主题:因为,如果这些警告都 忽视的话,那(布什)忽略有关全球变暖的警告,你 他如何呢?

  • Other similar warnings have also gone unheeded .

    市场对其它类似的警告也都 置若罔闻

  • He warned of the serious threat to global ecology which is going unheeded .

    他警告说,全球生态 正面 着严重的威胁,而这种威胁并 没有 得到 重视

  • But those concerns went unheeded they said .

    但他们称,这些担忧没有 引起 重视

  • But in the computer design industry it seems this warning has gone unheeded .

    但是在计算机设计业界中,这个警告似乎并 没有 受到 重视

  • His cries were unheeded ; Shaw 's neglected one-act comedy ` A Village Wooing ' ; her ignored advice .

    他的哭泣 并未 注意 ;萧伯纳忽视了独幕喜剧,'乡村的追求';她的被忽视的忠告。

  • It happens too often that your trumpet call is unheeded .

    有一种情况是经常发生的 任凭你百般召唤也 无人 理睬

  • Unheeded Lessons : What Did We Fail to Learn from the Financial Crisis ?

    我们没有从这场金融危机中 汲取的教训是什么?