


  • Even at school there had been an unhealthy competition between George and Richard .

    乔治和理查德甚至在学校也展开了 不良的竞争。

  • The most common causes of death included heart disease and cancer both related to unhealthy lifestyles .

    大部分相似的死因包括心脏病和癌症,这些都与他们的 健康生活方式有关。

  • His skin had an unhealthy greyish tinge

    他的皮肤有种 健康的淡灰色。

  • It 's unhealthy to go without sleep .

    缺少睡眠对 身体 不利

  • Your diet is as unhealthy as mine .

    你的饮食和我的一样不 健康

  • Children to eat too many unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks can lead to high blood pressure .

    小孩吃了太多的 健康的快餐和含糖的饮料也会导致高血压。

  • It can be caused by obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle .

    肥胖和不 健康的生活方式都有可能导致糖尿病。

  • In many countries harmful drinking and unhealthy diet and lifestyles occur both in higher and lower income groups .

    在许多国家,在较高和较低收入群体中都会出现有害饮酒和 健康饮食及 健康生活方式情况。

  • I like eating hamburger chocolate ice-cream and candy but they are unhealthy food .

    我喜欢吃汉堡,巧克力,冰激凌和糖果,可是这些食物都是 健康的食品。

  • It becomes unhealthy when it is personal and is taking up too much time and energy .

    当它变得个人化、占去了太多的时间和精力时就变得 健康了。

  • Children 's eating habits were categorised as healthy and unhealthy .

    儿童的饮食习惯被分为“健康”和“ 健康”两类。

  • What is a healthy and unhealthy life ? How about you ?

    什么是健康和 健康的生活方式?你的生活方式如何?

  • Coke ice cream and hamburgers are unhealthy food and drink .

    可乐、冰激凌和汉堡包不是 健康食品和饮料。

  • Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips

    不要吃 健康食品,如汉堡和薯条。

  • This government has developed an unhealthy obsession with secrecy

    本届政府在 保密方面 过了头。

  • He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine .

    他在一个环境出了名 恶劣的煤矿里工作。

  • The air in this area is unhealthy for people .

    这地区的空气对人们的 健康 不利

  • MacGregor believes it is unhealthy to lead a life with no interests beyond politics .

    麦格雷戈认为生活中只对政治感兴趣而没有其他爱好是 正常的。

  • Although I am a bit unhealthy I have a good habit .

    即使我有点 健康,但是我有个好习惯。

  • They looked pale and unhealthy with unwashed hair and sunken cheeks

    他们脸色苍白, 精神不振,头发脏乱,两颊深陷。

  • He had and unhealthy diet and he did no exercise .

    他吃和 健康的饮食并且他没有做锻炼。

  • The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy .

    技术熟练、经验丰富的工人过剩是可怕的浪费,也是经济运行 不良的明显征兆。

  • This is a rusty to life from the unhealthy environment and a fetter to people 's living customs .

    这就是 不良环境对人的一种腐蚀,对人的生活习惯的一种羁绊。

  • I 'm quite unhealthy really .

    我真的很 舒服

  • We can will people can be divided into health and healthy and unhealthy people .

    我们可以将人可以分为健康、亚健康和 健康人群。

  • This is free of unhealthy saturated fat which can lead to a variety of heart problems and cardiovascular disease .

    这就避免了摄入 健康的饱和脂肪。饱和脂肪会引起各种心脏和心血管疾病。

  • Frank has developed what I would term an unhealthy relationship with these people

    弗兰克与这些人的关系在我看来 正常

  • Our rows become unhealthy in the extreme .

    我们的争吵变得极其 有害