under the wings of


  • Embracing by glamorous light the meteor is under the wings of Cupid .

    被一群光芒所包围的流星,是 爱神 翅膀所保护

  • The abdomen under the wings of the butterfly still represents the larva .

    蝴蝶 的腹部还是蛹的形状。

  • The quartet all cuddle under the wings of the stuffed toy which has been mother to another two orphans who have since been moved on to an outside pen .

    四个猫头鹰都簇拥 这个布猫头鹰 翅膀 。这个毛绒玩具还是令两个被放入小动物围养栏的孤儿动物的母亲。

  • As you went on up and looked back the mother had again gathered them round her and they were all quite secure under the wings of their mother .

    你继续向上爬再回头看,那位母亲已重新将他们聚集在她的周围,他们 母亲 羽翼 是那样的无忧无虑。

  • And the priests brought the ark of the covenant of Jehovah to its place into the innermost sanctuary of the house into the holy of holies under the wings of the cherubim .

    祭司将耶和华的约柜抬进所豫备的地方,就是圣殿的内殿,也就是至圣所,放在两个基路伯 翅膀 底下

  • When the Empire was established all these poor old dispersed and exiled women had been accorded permission to come and take shelter under the wings of the Bernardines-Benedictines .

    从帝国时期起,便已允许所有那些可怜的流离失所的姑娘们到这里来,栖息 伯尔纳- 笃会修女们的 翅膀