



  • It was a win that defied predictions that Mr Obama would fall victim to the sluggish economy with 23m Americans are out of work or underemployed and polls suggesting a lack of confidence in his leadership .

    这场胜利也击破了此前的一种预测,即奥巴马将成为经济疲软的牺牲品。目前有2300万美国人失业或 充分 就业,民调也显示民众对奥巴马的领导缺乏信心。

  • A more dramatic hypothesis for the spy scandals is that Germany 's cold war divide has left it with thousands of underemployed detectives well schooled in the black arts .

    有关间谍丑闻一个更戏剧性的假设是,德国冷战时的分裂,为其留下了数千名 大材小用的侦探,他们精通一些歪门邪道。

  • He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work .

    他的 才干 充分 施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。

  • Able people are kept underemployed .

    能干的人没被 充分 利用

  • Freeter is a Japanese expression for people between the age of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed excluding homemakers and students . They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers .

    飞特是日语里用来指代15到34岁之间没有稳定工作或者失业在家的年轻人,这当中不包括家庭主妇和学生。他们有时也被称为 失业人员或者自由职业者。

  • The American economy remains in dire straits with one worker in six unemployed or underemployed .

    美国经济仍深陷困境,每六个劳工就有一个失业或 充分 就业

  • Officials and businessmen argue that the factories will industrialize the countryside and provide much-needed jobs in rural areas where millions of people are unemployed or underemployed .

    政界和商界领袖说,建厂可以实现乡村工业化,并带来就业机会。这里现在有上百万的人处于失业或者 完全 就业 状态

  • They are 8.2 times more likely than average to be underemployed .

    这个 专业 失业几率是平均水平的8.2倍。

  • Another 85 jobs were lost in December bringing total losses since the recession began in December 2007 to over 7m . One out of six Americans is unemployed or underemployed .

    12月份又有8.5万个职位流失。自从2007年12月经济开始步入衰退以来,总失业人数已超过700万。目前六个美国人中,就有一个失业或 没有 充分 就业

  • People after all have more of it : One worker in six is either unemployed or underemployed and those still in jobs are working fewer hours according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

    毕竟,人有的是时间:据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,每六个工人中就有一个失业或是 没有 充分 就业,那些还在上班的人工作时间也在减少。

  • We still have one-in-six Americans either unemployed or underemployed .

    我们还有六分之一的美国人失业或 充分 就业

  • If they could sell their land tens of millions of underemployed farmers might find productive work .

    如果那些农民能够买卖耕地, 百万计的农民可能会找到新的生产性的工作。

  • They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers .

    ta们有时也被称为 失业人员或者自由职业者。

  • This was also the age when development economists hypothesized that developing countries would take off once they received capital to combine with underemployed labor .

    也是在这个年代中,发展经济学家做出了这样的假设,即发展中国家一旦得到资本并使其与 充分 就业的劳动力结合起来就能实现“起飞”。

  • Christian Lacroix is currently underemployed since the house he nurtured for two decades no longer makes clothes .

    自克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦苦心经营了20年的品牌不再制作衣服后,目前他就一直 大材小用

  • As the mid-term election looms a staggering number of Americans remain unemployed or underemployed .

    中期选举将近,可失业和 充分 就业的美国人仍数目惊人。

  • As far as we can determine the group to date is largely made up of the left of the left wing youth and those underemployed .

    但就我们看来,可以确定的是,到目前为止, 抗议 活动的主要参与者是左翼中的左翼,年轻人和 失业

  • One out of two college graduates are jobless or are underemployed in low-wage jobs that require minimal skills according to government data .

    根据政府发布的数据来看,两个大学毕业生中就有一个要么找 工作,要么干一些技术含量很低、 薪水又少的工作。

  • One out of six Americans is unemployed or underemployed .

    目前六个美国人中,就有一个失业或 没有 充分 就业

  • Readers are you noticing more out-of-work or underemployed men taking an active role in school and childcare ″ or are you one of them yourself ?

    读者们,你们是否注意到现在有更多失业或 充分 就业的男人们更为积极地参与到学校以及照看孩子中去呢,或者你就是他们当中的一员?

  • He was the man who knew what underemployed peasants underpaid workers and sullen soldiery did about sex and drink and drugs .

    他十分熟悉那些时常 没有活计的农民、那些收入低微的工人和潦倒的士兵,了解他们 女人、酗酒和吸毒的情况。

  • Migrants are likely to be poor and underemployed ; able people are kept underemployed .

    移民很可能穷困而且 就业 不足;有能力的人都被大材小用。

  • Such services promise great efficiencies ; idle resources can be harnessed more easily whether they are empty bedrooms or the working hours of the underemployed .

    这样的服务有望带来效率的极大提高;闲置资源可以被更容易地利用起来,无论这资源是空置的卧室还是 得到 充分 就业 人们的工作时间。

  • The broader measure of unemployment the household index encompassing people who are unemployed and underemployed has reached a record 17 per cent .

    衡量失业率的广义指标“家庭指标”(包括失业者和 学非所用 )达到创纪录的17%。

  • Others ( especially on weekdays ) are often too inebriated to safely travel to their homes or too embarrassed to face their spouses when they are unemployed or underemployed .

    有些时候(尤其是工作日期间),有些喝醉了不能平安回家、或是因为失业或 降职而不好意思回家面对另一半的人们也会光顾“胶囊旅馆”。

  • For China to sustain its impressive growth rate and reduce inequalities getting the many tens of millions of underemployed peasants off the land and into wealth-creating jobs is essential .

    中国要维持其 引人注目的经济增长率并缩小不平等差距,关键就是要让农民脱离土地,进入到创造财富的工作岗位。

  • A broader gauge which includes those who have given up searching for a job and involuntary part-time workers suggests more than one in six workers is underemployed .

    更广义的指标,包括那些放弃寻找工作而非自愿从事兼职工作的工人,显示六个人中就有一个 失业