Companies found themselves collapsing under the weight of debts .
许多公司发现自己因 债台高筑而濒临 倒闭。
Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions
在联合国制裁的 重压 之下,他们的经济崩溃了。
His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves
他的胳膊看起来好像不堪手套 重负要折断了一样。
The building collapsed under the weight of the avalanche which crushed children and their teachers beneath it .
山崩将校舍 压垮,将孩子和老师们都压在了下面。
The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train .
在火车的 重压 下,桥塌了。
Among these 174 aged male patients 47.7 % is normal weight 31.1 % over weight and 21.2 % under weight .
对174例老年男性病员进行营养状况评价,结果为:体重正常者占47.7%, 体重过重和不足检出率分别为31.1%和 21.2%。
The bar counter groans under the weight of huge plates of the freshest fish .
吧台上摆满了大碟 大碟非常新鲜的鱼。
You should put850 g weight on the boat because your boat is under weight .
您的船不够分量,您还要给您 的船 加重850克。
The shelf sagged under the weight of the heavy books .
书架搁板 在书的 重压 下变弯曲了。
That butcher did you & the meat was under weight .
那个 卖肉的人欺骗了你,那 块肉不够称。
The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage .
行李 压得扁担嘎吱 嘎吱直响。
I am a little under weight .
我 体重有点 减轻。
The bridge give way under the weight of the lorry .
卡车 过重把这座桥 压坏了。
The bag broke under the weight of the shopping inside it .
买的东西太 重,把袋子 撑破了。
The branch sagged under the weight of the apples .
树枝在苹果的 重压 下下垂了。
The branch began to give under his weight .
他 身体 的 重量把树枝 压弯了。
The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow .
屋顶被 雪压坍了。
The platform went under the weight .
平台 在 重压 下塌掉了。
The dam burst under the weight of water .
那水坝 在水的 压力 下决口了。
It means that Moscow lays on an unstable place which caves in under weight of a city .
这意味着莫斯科处在一个不稳定的地方,城市的 重量在 下面造成了洞穴。
Significant difference in depression prevalence was found among different weight groups i.e. 12.2 % 12.2 % 14.8 % and 16.7 % in groups of under weight normal weight overweight and obesity respectively .
低 体重、正常体重、超重和肥胖儿童中抑郁症检出率分别为12.2%、12.2%、14.8%和16.7%,4组儿童抑郁症检出率差异有统计学意义。低体重男孩抑郁症检出率也比较高。
Swimming test under weight displayed : the swimming times of per dose team were longer than the control group the difference is predominant ( p < 0.05 );
The cart groaned under the weight of the piano .
大车在钢琴的 重压 下嘎吱作响。
The floor buckled up under the weight of too many people .
由于人太多楼板 坍塌了。
The black reticule sagged under the weight of shapeless objects .
黑色的 拎包由于装了各种形状的东西而中间下陷。
Branches break under their weight .
树枝 在它们的 重压 之下折断了。
Blake jumped in expertly ; the boat dipped slightly under his weight
布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的 重量使小船微微向 下沉了沉。
Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates
高利率令消费者 不堪重负 。
The second floor gave way under the weight of the machines .
三楼地板在机器的 重压 下坍了下去。
美[ˈʌndɚ wet]英[ˈʌndə weit]