



  • Take two coloured pens and underline the positive and negative words .

    用两支 彩笔分别在表示肯定和否定意义的词 下面 线

  • Underline important points and statements you want to quote in your paper .

    把你想在文章中引用的重要论点和叙述 出来

  • This would underline the point to both banks and investors that government bonds are not automatically risk-free .

    这将向银行和投资者 强调一点:政府债券不是自动具有零风险的特征。

  • In this respect let 's underline a vital point : Integration is a two-way process .

    鉴于此,有一点是 必须 强调的:认同是一个双向的过程。

  • But the incident underlines how easily things can go wrong .

    但这一事件也 突出 表明出差错是多么容易。

  • We sometimes underline words for emphasis .

    我们有时候 了强调而在字 下面 线

  • But the Lima talks underline the difficulties of adapting to the new path .

    但利马会议 突显了转向新路径的困难。

  • I would like to use this opportunity to underline my commitment to making sure that the work of the World Health Organization will have a positive and lasting impact on the health of women .

    我希望利用这一机会 强调我的承诺,确定世界卫生组织的工作对妇女的健康产生积极和持久的影响。

  • Seriality and visual repetition in his work underline this aspect .

    他作品中的连续性和视觉重现 强调了这个方向。

  • Underline the following that apply to you

    在符合自身情况的项下 线

  • They also underline how his brand of authoritarianism can still be vulnerable .

    它们也 强调了他的权威主义名号仍然会是十分脆弱的。

  • Underline key words and phrases when you read as well as paying attention to key words in the questions .

    阅读过程中 划出关键单词和词组,并且特别关注问题中的关键词。

  • She also mentioned content partnerships which served to underline her emphasis on services .

    她还提到了内容合作,这更加 强调了她服务优先的 理念

  • Controls whether to show the underline strikeout and font color selections .

    控制是否显示 下划线、删除线和字体颜色选项。

  • Please underline the subjunctive mood in the sentence and explain why it 's used here .

    把这句话中的虚拟语气 出来,并解释为什么这里要用它。

  • To underline their disgust the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage .

    为了 强调他们的厌恶,人群开始向舞台扔瓶子了。

  • Note that strikeout and underline are supported only on Eclipse V3.1 .

    注意,删除线和 下划线只在EclipseV3.1上受到支持。

  • His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction .

    他的失败 说明了导演戏剧和电影是不同的。

  • These different roles underline the importance of these ceils .

    这些不同的作用 强调了这些细胞的重要性。

  • Their brief visit has served to underline the deep differences between the two countries

    他们短暂的访问 恰恰 凸显了两国间分歧的严重程度。

  • And secondly we need to underline the need for the government to take leadership on these issues .

    其次是我们有必要 强调,政府必须在处理这些问题时发挥领导作用。

  • Two ways to accomplish this would be to set the text to bold with underline .

    可以通过两种方式达到这一目的:一是将文本设置为粗体,二是为文本 添加 下划线

  • The experiment was conducted to investigate the visual performance of underline highlighting at different difficulty levels and display backgrounds .

    以反应时和正确率为指标,研究了在不同难度和呈现背景, 下划线突显方法对视觉搜索绩效的影响。

  • The data underline the surge of China 's manufacturing-led economy in the past 20 years .

    这些数据 凸现了中国以制造业为主导的经济在过去20年的飞速发展。

  • The decision to keep him in hospital for a second night underlines the seriousness of his injury

    让他在医院再住一晚的决定 表明了其伤势的严重性。

  • Don 't forget to underline the title of the essay .

    别忘了在文章标题 下划线

  • The results of these struggles underline the importance of both individualism and government involvement .

    这些斗争的结果 说明,个人主义和政府干预都是重要的。

  • To apply or remove bold italic or underline formats click the buttons on the Formatting toolbar .

    单击格式工具栏上的相应按钮,可以快速应用或删除粗体、斜体和 下划线格式。

  • The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk

    报告 强调 他对道德水准可能会受影响所表示的关注。