Infants young children and women of reproductive age are considered most at-risk of the consequences of undernutrition which include infection and complications during pregnancy .
婴儿、儿童以及育龄妇女是 营养 不良后果的高危人群,这些后果包括传染病以及怀孕期的各种并发症。
Effect of Maternal Undernutrition during Late Pregnancy on Ovine Fetal Development and Subsequent Compensatory Growth of Postnatal Lambs
妊娠后 期限饲 母羊对其胎儿生长发育及出生后羔羊补偿生长的影响
The Evaluation of Intervention Effectiveness for Pregnant and Lactating Women with Undernutrition and Anemia in A community of Philippines
菲律宾某社区 贫困 人口 中 营养 不良孕妇和乳母的 营养干预效果评价
Malnutrition includes undernutrition in which nutrients are undersupplied and overnutrition in which nutrients are oversupplied .
营养不良包括 营养 低下,即营养素供给不足,和营养过剩,即营养素供给过度。
Osteoporosis has a relationship with climacteric syndrome but there were no apparent relation between diet habit marriage childbirth and climacteric syndrome . Relationship between Undernutrition and Exercise-induced Menstrual Cycle Disorder and Leptin Regulation
结果年龄、药物、手术、月经周期紊乱和肥胖对更年期综合征有显著影响,骨质疏松对更年期综合征有影响,生育、饮食习惯与婚姻 状况影响不大。 营养 不足与运动性月经周期紊乱及Leptin调节
Does this mean that all GM foods are fated never to solve the undernutrition of the poor ?
这是否意味着所有的转基因食品注定永远不会解决穷人的 营养 不足?
Effect of undernutrition on pancreatic islets in rats with STZ induced diabetes
低 营养对糖尿病鼠胰岛的影响
The Effect of Different Undernutrition Received by Ewes at Late Pregnancy on Serum Insulin T_3 T_4 Concentrations of Their Lambs in Compensatory Growth
妊娠后期不同 营养水平限制饲养母羊对其羔羊补偿生长期血中胰岛素、T3、T4浓度的影响
The plan currently under development tackles the double burden of undernutrition and overweight and focuses on the window of opportunity between conception and the second year of life .
该计划目前尚在制定当中,主要处理 营养 不足和体重超重造成的双重负担,并注重妊娠到生命第二年之间的机会。
Undernutrition is associated with poverty and social deprivation occurring among the poor including some immigrants arriving from developing countries .
营养 低下与贫穷和物质匮乏有关,通常发生于穷人中,如来自发展中国家的移民。
Harvard University for example will work with scientists in Brazil India and Tanzania to research undernutrition obesity diabetes and cardiovascular disease .
例如,哈佛大学将与巴西、印度、坦桑尼亚的科学家合作来研究 营养 不良、肥胖症、糖尿病以及心血管疾病。
Today the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition and overweight especially in developing countries .
今天的世界,尤其是发展中国家,正面临着营养不良的双重负担: 营养 不足和超重。
Results In 9 provinces of China 6.9 % of all households were found to have undernutrition and overweight members within the same household .
结果中国九省家庭中有6.9%的家庭存在 营养 不良和超重个体并存。
The key to early detection is awareness that persons in certain circumstances have a high risk of undernutrition or overnutrition .
早期发现的关键是要认识到,有些人是 营养 低下或 营养过剩的高危人群。
Conclusions : ① Both overnutrition and undernutrition can be manifested in retired home residents for whom nutritional intervene should be enhanced .
结论:①社区退休居民中营养过剩和 营养 低下共存,必须加强营养干预;
Both undernutrition and overnutrition particularly in the womb can cause these epigenetic programs to create a mismatch between the'expected'food environment and the actual one .
营养 不足和营养过剩特别是在胎儿时期可能导致这种表观遗传程序在“预期”的食品环境与现实环境之间产生一种配合不当。
Their survival from childhood through adulthood is threatened and their quality of life suffers because of undernutrition the severity of which ranges from chronic food insufficiency to famine .
从儿童时期到成年,他们的生存时刻受到威胁,生活品质也因为 营养 不良而 备受 影响,其严重程度从长期粮食短缺到饥荒。
Undernutrition in the early years of life can also impair long-term cognitive development and productivity at work .
生命早期的 营养 不足还能削弱长期认知发育和工作时的生产力。
Undernutrition can result from inadequate intake ; malabsorption ; abnormal systemic loss of nutrients due to diarrhea hemorrhage renal failure or excessive sweating ; infection ; or addiction to drugs .
营养 低下可由摄入不足、吸收不良、腹泻、出血、肾衰或过度出汗而至营养素丢失、感染和吸毒等引起。
Protein-energy malnutrition in children consuming inadequate amounts of protein calories and other nutrients is a particularly severe form of undernutrition that retards growth and development .
儿童因蛋白质、热量和其他营养素摄入量不足造成的蛋白质-能量型营养不良是一种尤为严重的 营养 不良,它会延缓儿童的生长和发育。
Maternal undernutrition does not play a key role in fetal developmental retardation when exposed to cocaine in utero .
单纯母体 营养 不良在宫内暴露可卡因引起的后代发育迟缓过程中不能起决定性作用,而可能是药物直接作用的结果。
Rapidly developing countries increasingly face a dual burden of undernutrition and'overnutrition ' as people adopt less nutritious ( but calorie-rich ) diets and less active lifestyles .
随着人们食用营养更少(但是热量丰富)的饮食和活动更少的生活方式,迅速发展的国家越来越面临 营养 不足 和 营养过剩的双重负担。
Chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases have become a worldwide problem due to rapid transition from undernutrition to overnutrition .
包括心血管疾病在内的慢性疾病通过 营养 不良和营养过剩迅速转变而成为一个世界问题。
These dietary patterns in conjunction with low levels of physical activity result in sharp increases in childhood obesity while undernutrition issues remain unsolved .
在 营养 不良的问题尚未解决的情况下,如此饮食模式加之低水平的身体活动导致了儿童期肥胖的数量激增。
Infancy and childhood : Because of the high demand for energy and essential nutrients infants and children are at particular risk of undernutrition .
婴儿和儿童婴儿和儿童对能量和必需营养素的需要量高,其 营养 低下的危险性也高。
The lognitudinal study of undernutrition and overnutrition coexistence within the same household in China
中国八省同一家庭内 营养 不良与营养过剩个体并存的纵向趋势研究
It is suggested that the developmental abnormality of the fetuses induced by cocaine is due to the toxicological effect of cocaine but not to maternal undernutrition .
可卡因引起的胎儿发育异常是由可卡因的毒性作用而不是母体 营养 不良产生的。
The fact that more than one billion people suffer from hunger and undernutrition is widely thought to be a result of inadequate distribution .
而超过10亿人面临饥饿和 营养 不足 这 件 事被广泛认为是分配不适当造成的。