It is suggested that under certain condition the dynamic response is weakened effectively by increasing the thickness of attenuation layer .
建议 在 条件 许可 的 情况 下,适当增加分配层厚度以有效减弱支撑结构的动力响应。
Under certain condition these systems are proved by fixed point method and mean value method to have almost-automorphic solution .
在 某些 条件 下,利用不动点方法和平均值法证明了这类方程系具有概自守解。
It indicates uncertainties of all the possible results under certain condition in one period .
它是指 在 一定 条件 下 和 一定时期内可能发生的各种结果的不确定性。
Invertibility of the system is analyzed with geometric approach . It shows that under certain condition the system is invertible or the mapping of the inputs to the outputs of the system is one to one .
然后应用非线性系统几何理论,对混合励磁电动机系统的可逆性进行了研究.证明 在 一定 条件 下,混合励磁电动机系统是可逆的,即系统的输入与输出之间的映射是一对一的。
This dissertation combines the classical optimal control with receding horizon control creates a kind of optimal control which can be used on the control of satellite attitude maneuver . The control law guarantees the global stability as well as achieves the global optimal control under certain condition .
本文通过结合经典最优控制和滚动时域方法,构造了一种可应用于卫星姿态控制的最优控制方法,这一控制方法在保证全局稳定性的同时, 在 一定 条件 下能够实现全局的最优控制。
The results show that the interaction between employees can under certain condition lead to high degree synergism and self - organization of employee 's behavior ;
结果表明: 在 一定 条件 下,职工间的(直接和间接的)相互作用,会使企业职工的行为产生高度的协同和自组织;
And under certain condition DOM also affected the hydrolysis of organic pollutants in soil solution .
在 一定 条件 下,DOM也可影响土壤中有机污染物的水解过程。
Meanwhile reputation of business being used as capital is allowed under certain condition in some international contract .
与此同时,我国 签订的一些国际合约和 一些地方性法规、政策却已经突破中央法规, 有 条件地允许商誉作为出资形式。
It is therefore concluded that a projection matrix can be computed through homography under certain condition .
通过这个原理就可以推导出投影矩阵 在满足 一定 条件 下可由单应矩阵得到。
In this article we discuss the Morse equation first which maps under certain condition existence .
在本文中,我们首先讨论上述映射的Morse等式 在 一定 条件 下的存在性。
Traffic flow system is a human-joined changeable open and complex huge system . It is high nonlinear and uncertain . Under certain condition chaos appears in it .
交通流系统是一个有人参与的、时变的、开放的复杂巨系统,具有高度的非线性和不确定性, 在 一定 条件 下会出现混沌现象。
Under certain condition investment returns and risks are coherent . The insurance company has to make choices between high returns with high risks and low risks with low returns .
在 一定 的 条件 下,投资的收益和风险之间正相关性,这就使得保险公司不得不在高收益、高风险和低风险、低收益之间进行选择。
According to a series of linear friction welding test for TC4 alloy the morphology distribution of oxide in welded joint and the joint microstructure under certain condition were observed .
进行了TC4线性摩擦焊焊接试验,观察了 一定焊接 条件 下,TC4钛合金线性摩擦焊接头氧化物组织的形态、组成、分布特点及组织特征。
The deforming and reversing process of the metal diaphragm was simulated under certain condition .
用弹 塑性 有限变形有限元法,模拟了 贮箱金属膜片的翻转变形过程。
Simulation is carried out under certain condition and the result was revised and analyzed .
对柴油机的 定 工况 进行了仿真计算,并进行结果的调试和分析。
In this paper we obtain the following results : semantic resolution and lock resolution are compatible under certain condition ;
本文给出如下结果:语义归结和锁归结 在 某种 条件 下是相容的;
Under certain condition the algorithm is complete and has polynomial complexity .
这种算法 在 一定 的 假设 条件 下,是完备的且仅具有多项式的计算复杂性。
Under certain condition by this method the problem of losing many data for time series processing can be resolved .
该方法可以 在 一定 条件 下解决时间序列处理中较多数据的缺失问题。
Among these factors the influences of time temperature and stress are especially significant . Under certain condition they have equivalently effects on the viscoelastic properties of polymers .
其中,时间、温度和应力的影响尤其明显, 在 一定 条件 下,它们对高聚物黏弹性能的影响具有等效性。
It means that a bad thing may become good thing under certain condition .
“ 塞翁失马”比喻事事多变,坏事可以变成好事。
Under certain condition the vibration can be suppressed .
当整个磨削系统 满足 一定 条件时,可以抑制再生颤振的发生。
Under certain condition these two models have some similarities .
在 特定 条件 下两模型具有一定的相似性。
The financial option pricing method could be applied to the problem of real option pricing under certain condition .
结果发现,金融期权的定价方法 在 一定 条件 下可以应用到实物期权的定价问题中。
Under certain condition of the interplanetary magnetic field a portion of them can reach the shadow region which is usually considered to be devoid of solar wind protons .
在 特定的行 星际磁场强度 下,从表面反射出来的质子有机会进入月球的夜侧半球,这是个以往被认为缺乏太阳风质子的空腔区域。
For regular fuzzy measure Lusin ′ s theorem on classical measure space holds under certain condition .
对于正则Fuzzy测度、经典测度空间上的Lusin定理在 一定 条件 下成立。
Linear resolution and lock resolution are compatible under certain condition .
线性归结和锁归结 在 某种 条件 下是相容的。
This paper proves that the model has only one steady solution under certain condition and this steady solution is a saddle point . At last the dynamic procession is presented .
本文给出了此动力学模型稳定解 存在 的 条件,证明了稳定解存在的唯一性,并证明了此稳定解具有鞍点特性,最后给出动态过程分析。
And is the dialectic unification of fair justice of law stability under certain condition ;
是法 的公平正义、安定性 有 条件的辩证统一;
美[ˈʌndɚ ˈsɚtn kənˈdɪʃən]英[ˈʌndə ˈsə:tn kənˈdiʃən]