written judgement

[ˈrɪtn ˈdʒʌdʒmənt][ˈrɪtn ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]


  • The practical context that exists in the form of written language is the direct basis of the judgement of a certain language unit .

    以语言 文字形式出现的现实语境是 判断一语言单位语义最直接的依据;

  • To the problem of ascertaining contract objective the paper puts forward that written reviewing of contracts text judgement of contract type judgement of use value of contractual subject matter collection of contracting information and other methods can be applied .

    对契约目的的查明,可通过对契约文本的 书面审查、契约类型的 判断、契约标的物的使用价值的判断、缔约信息的提取等方式进行。

  • On Potential Functions of Written Judgement & Discussion on Liu Yong 's Case

    判决 的潜在功能&从刘涌案谈起

  • The difficulties I written this paper mainly is judgement of negligence .

    因此,其难点主要在于侵权 过失 判断

  • It mainly bases on two work written in his later life Thoughts and Afterthoughts and with a profound and rational way of judgement .

    主要从巴金晚年 写作《随想录》和《再思录》是基于“历史感”和深刻的理性 批判精神入手;

  • In the judgment of the Tian Yong case the principle of due process effectively But there is insufficiency about the excuse in the written judgement .

    田永案判决中,法官对程序正当原则作了一定的有效适用,但在 判决 理由论述上存在不足。

  • The paper discusses mainly the standardization of language use in written judgement from the standardization of vocabulary written from of chapter and precision of sentence meaning .

    本文主要从词汇的标准化、语篇方式的书面化、句意的严谨性等方面探讨 民事 判决 语言运用的规范化问题。