


  • And it revealed that eight species have become extinct since the publication of the original plan in1994 including the wryneck bird two lichens three moths and two beetles .

    报告还披露,从1994年那 原始计划出版至今有8种物种已经灭绝,包括 歪脖 鸟,两种地衣,三种娥类和两种甲虫。

  • Methods 13 children with cervical disc calcification were analysed retrospectively . Cervical pain was observed after influenza in 5 children sudden cervical pain in 3 sudden wryneck in 3 within .

    方法回顾性分析13 儿童的颈椎间盘钙化,其中上感后颈痛5例, 外伤偶然发现2 ,突发颈部疼痛3 ,突发 斜颈3例。所有患者均经颈椎正、侧位X片证实。