[ˌdʌblju:dʌblju:'dʌblju:][ˌdʌblju: dʌblju: ˈdʌblju:]

n.World Wide Web 万维网,简称WWW或3W

  • As mobl modules are saved they are simultaneously compiled to JavaScript HTML and CSS in the www / directory of the Eclipse project .

    当我们保存mobl模块的时候,同时也会把它们编译成JavaScript、HTML和CSS,这些文件位于Eclipse项目的 www/目录下。

  • You can access the current AT & T Global IP Network statistics for the WWW backbone with the latency metrics .

    可以访问当前AT&TGlobalIPNetwork统计数据,以 了解 WWW骨干网络的延迟测定数据。

  • To be a known file type means ( in the WWW world ) that the file has a corresponding MIME type .

    如果是已知的文件类型,这表明该文件具有一个对应的MIME类型(在 WWW世界中)。

  • Nowadays WWW has become the most convenient way to gain information .

    现今, 全球 资讯 成为了获得资讯的最方便的方法。

  • An easy way to do this is to create a www directory .

    完成此操作的一个简便方法是创建一个 www目录。

  • Different WWW servers have implemented hypertext browsing programs differently .

    不同的 WWW服务系统以不同的方式实现超级文本的浏览程序。

  • This paper proposes a three-layer traffic model from analyzing the ON / OFF model and the WWW traffic stream that fit actual wireless traffic better and build a single cell UMTS simulation plat .

    本文通过对ON/OFF模型和 WWW业务流的分析得到一个与实际无线网络更吻合的三层业务模型,并且在OPNET上完成UMTS单蜂窝仿真平台的搭建。

  • The WWW enables transfer and display of multimedia documents between servers which hold the information and clients or users .


  • According to the identity of the loginer the on-line answer system based on WWW technology is designed three modules : student module teacher module and system managing person module .

    根据登录者的身份,基于 WWW技术的在线答疑系统设计为三大模块:学生模块、教师模块和系统管理员模块,它们可分别完成提问、回答和版务管理等功能。

  • Design and Implementation of On-line Examination System of Chinese Traditional Medicine Identification Based on WWW

    基于 WWW的中药识别考试系统的设计与开发

  • This is the webpage of the WWW Virtual Library : Microbiology & Virology .

    简介:这是微生物学与病毒学虚拟图书馆的 网页

  • Both the number of Internet users and www domain names are showing a strong momentum of development .

    无论是网民规模还是 网站数量,都有了较大幅度的增长。

  • Atmospheric observations are currently coordinated through existing WMO programs such as the WWW and GAW .

    目前,大气观测是通过现有的WMO计划如 WWW和GAW来进行协调的。

  • Substituting an m for the traditional www in popular Web sites'URLs is a good place to start .

    我的手机会用m代替普通站点中传统的URL www,这就是一个很好的起点。

  • Research of WWW identity authentication system based on plugin Technology

    基于Plugin的 WWW身份鉴别系统的研究

  • World Wide Web ( WWW ): or Web ; Leading information-exchange service of the Internet .

    全球信息 :网际网络主要的信息交换服务。

  • The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system .


  • Your firewall administrator has restricted access to the WWW service .

    你的防火墙管理员限制你访问这个 站点

  • For most people a search engine is usually used to locate URLs on the WWW.

    对大多数用户,搜索引擎通常是用来定位URL WWW

  • World wide web ( www ) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface .

    全球网( WWW)是一种网络的超文本协议和用户界面。

  • By default on a Red Hat Linux system the DocumentRoot will be / var / www / html / .

    默认情况下,该文件夹位于RedHatLinux系统 ,DocumentRoot是 /var/www/html/

  • Welcome to the WWW Services of South China University of Technology ( English Edition ) .

    欢迎 使用 南理工大学 环球 信息 (中文版)。

  • Build test and set up the WWW operating system and software .

    WWW 服务器操作系统和应用软件安装、试和设置。

  • Strictly speaking only the cgi-bin ( / var / www / cgi-bin ) and DBM ( / var / www / db ) directories are absolutely essential since they hold the script executable and the voting data respectively .

    严格来说,只有cgi-bin(/var/www/cgi-bin)和DBM( /var/www/db)目录是绝对必需的,因为它们分别保存了脚本的可执行文件和投票数据。

  • The effects of hypertext navigation route and cognitive styles on performance of subject information search on WWW were examined in the study .

    本研究考察了导航线路和个体认知风格对主题性问题 搜索绩效的影响效应。

  • How to use the information in the WWW Cache effectively lies in how to build an adaptive user interest model and how to construct an adaptive algorithm for interest mining .

    如何有效充分地利用 WWW缓冲中的信息,其关键是建立一个合适的用户兴趣模型和构造合适的兴趣挖掘算法。

  • WWW Virtual Library Irrigation & Hydrology an information service since 1995 .

    描述:灌溉与水文学虚拟图书馆 创建于1995年,是一种信息服务系统。

  • Be capable of Links to : Urban Groundwater Database USGS Water Resources Information & WWW Virtual Library – Environment .

    可以联接到城市地下水数据库,USGS水资源数据和 全球 信息 虚拟图书馆-环境等。

  • Python 's mechanize is inspired by Perl 's WWW : Mechanize which has a similar range of capabilities .

    Python的mechanize受到Perl的 WWW:Mechanize的启发,后者具有类似的一组功能。