X tubes

[医] X形管

  • The fourth-generation ultra-sophisticated ultra-thin window of X-ray tubes improved analytical sensitivity ;

    第四代超尖端、超薄窗 X 射线 ,提高分析灵敏度;

  • An Approach to Expanding the Examinable Extent for the Welded Seams of Small-Bore Tubes Through Ellipse-Shaped Images Obtained from X-ray Photography

    小径 焊缝 X 射线双层一次透照椭圆成象扩大检出范围的探讨

  • Simulation and Optimization of Helix Slow-Wave Structure for X-Band 40 W High Efficiency Traveling-Wave Tubes

    X 波段40W高效率空间行波 螺旋慢波系统的模拟优化

  • The corrosion characteristics of the white copper condenser tubes with trace elements rare earth ( RE ) Ce under different working conditions were studied by using metallography-energy spectrum tensile test and XRD analysis techniques .

    采用扫描金相-微区成分分析、拉伸力学性能测试和 x 射线 衍射生物相分析 手段 加入微量稀土Ce的凝汽器白 铜管的腐蚀特性进行了观察和分析。

  • In this paper a method for quantitative determination of spectral purity of X-ray tubes for diffraction analysis is presented .

    本文提出了衍射分析用的 X 射线 谱线纯度的定量测定方法。

  • The demands of rotating anode X-ray tubes used for CT on Chinese market are introduced and a proposal how to join in this field is presented .

    阐明了我国CT机对旋转阳极 X 射线 市场的需求,并提出了切入此领域的建议。

  • Exploration and Practice in the Development of X-Ray Tubes with Small Focuses

    小焦点 X 射线 研制开发中的探索与实践

  • Besides the high voltage technique is instrumental in lengthening the service life of X-ray tubes .

    此外,使用高电压技术还有利于延长 X 射线 的使用寿命。

  • The compensation factor of corrugated tubes corresponding intensification heat transfer is 1.85 ; the relative error of the gas temperature in the middle and exit of convection segment between calculation data on heat transfer model and testing value does not exceed 6.1 % ;

    波纹 对应强化传热修正系数 C x 1.85,对流段烟气中间温度、出口温度传热计算模型值和实测值的相对误差均不超过6.1%;

  • Secondary Electrons in the X - Ray Tubes

    X射线 的次级电子

  • The corrosion mechanism of failure of copper-nickel condenser tubes coated by Ferrisulphas has been investigated by mechanical properties test SEM observation energy spectrum and XRD analysis .

    运用力学性能测试、扫描电镜观察、微区能谱成分分析和 x 射线 衍射 分析 手段 硫酸亚铁成膜的镍白铜冷凝 内壁腐蚀特性进行观察和分析。

  • The X-ray tubes adopted in pseudo dual-energy systems produce X-ray photons with continuous energy spectra which results in the decrement of the correctness of object classification based on traditional dual-energy transmission models because of the thickness effect .

    伪双能系统的 射线源产生的是连续能谱的 X 射线,因此基于传统双能透射模型的物质鉴别方法由于受到物体的厚度影响而导致准确性的降低。

  • Development and application of rippled ceramic X - ray tubes

    波纹陶瓷 X射线 的研制和使用

  • In this paper a method for quantitative determination of spectral distributions of primary radiation from X-ray tubes for diffraction and X-ray fluorescent spectral analysis is presented .

    本文提出了衍射或荧光分析用的 X 射线 原级 X射线谱强度分布的定量测定方法。

  • For the fluorescent X-ray tubes several spectral distributions of different directions of primary X-ray beam must be determined and then the mean values of these data are calculated in order to obtain the effective spectral distributions .

    对荧光 X 射线 还应测定几个射线束方向的原级谱加以平均求得有效原级谱。

  • The tangential residual stress of the external surface of the autofrettage tubes was measured by X rays . According to the model which includes the strain hardening after reverse yielding and regards Bauschinger ' effect the calculation method of elastic strength pressure was presented .

    对自增强 圆筒进行 X射线外表面切向残余应力测量,在模型考虑材料反向屈服后的强化现象和鲍辛格效应影响的基础上,给出了自紧圆筒强度的计算方法。

  • Cracked tungsten tubes prepared by chemical vapor deposition were investigated by ring machine cutting method and X ? ray stress analysis system .

    采用切环测量法及 X射线应力分析方法对化学气相沉积制备的开裂钨 进行测量与分析。

  • Protective casing for X-ray tubes

    白炽定心 装置X 射线 设备

  • Methods of measurement of X-radiation for cathode-ray tubes

    GB/T14011-1992阴极射线 x 射线 辐射测试方法