written law

[ˈrɪtn lɔ][ˈrɪtn lɔ:]


  • The traditional point of view holds that China is a country with written law and the written law is the main source of law . There is no constraint from the law for the cases since China does not enforce the system of jurisprudence .

    传统观点认为,我国是 成文 国家,成文法是主要的法律渊源,我国不实行判例制度,判例在我国没有法律上的约束力。

  • In addition to written law customary law has retained an extremely important role all over the world .

    除了 成文 外,判例法在世界范围内仍然发挥着极其重要的作用。

  • In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods ( 770-221 BC ) written law was promulgated in China and a systematic written code of laws appeared .

    春秋战国时期(公元前770年-公元前221年),中国开始制定成文法,出现了自成体系的 成文 法典

  • The American written law is made up of statutory law and uniform law .

    美国 成文 包括制定法与统一法两部分,制定法居于其中重要地位。

  • The factor of legal system is written law .

    法律体系的构成要素是 制定

  • China 's present-day legislative and judicial practice has long parted from this traditional written law theory .

    我国的立法及司法实践也早已告别这种传统 成文 理论。

  • Both Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period are the moment when the Chinese traditional written law rose .

    春秋战国时期是中国传统社会 成文 兴起的阶段, 成文法兴起是社会多种因素综合作用的结果。

  • In Part Two it is the discussion about the application of law ; and the writer has chose some representative written law and has shown on two aspects of federal and states .

    第二部分是关于爱迪生学校集团的法律适用问题的论述,选择某些具有代表性的 成文 为对象,从联邦和地方这两方面展开说明。

  • Blank facts about a crime are the results of the written law system countries which used to regulate natural crime only breaking their traditions and regulating more and more legal crimes .

    空白罪状是 成文 法系国家突破以往在刑法中只规定自然犯的传统,越来越多地规定法定犯的必然结果。

  • Based on cases this article expounds the reasons for no same verdict for same cases mainly in such aspects as legislation defects of written law and qualities of judges etc.

    本文以案例为支点,着重从立法方面、 成文 自身的缺陷、法官自身的素质等几个方面论述了“相同案件没有得到相同判决”的产生原因;

  • Due to the differences between the public prosecution mechanism on Court and judicial administration there exist the phenomenon of written law and practical law .

    公诉机制庭前运行的制度层面与司法实践的运作存在着一定的差异,出现了 文本 与实践中的法两 的现象。

  • He found it quite simple that certain breaches of the written law should be followed by eternal suffering and he accepted as the process of Xivilization social damnation .

    他觉得对 文法的某些破坏要受永久的处罚,这是很容易理解的,他同意社会把有些人罚入地狱是一种文明的做法。

  • The basic principle of civil law that is known by the mankind as the tool overcoming the limitation of written law has gone through a long period .

    民法基本原则作为克服 成文 局限性的工具被人类所认识,经历了一段漫长的时期。

  • To follow the principle of taking the law as criterion we should especially pay attention to the limitation of the written law and the activity of judges research on the relationship between the discretion and aforesaid principle .

    而对以法律为准绳原则的奉行,要求我们特别关注 法律的局限性与法官的能动性问题,探究有关法官基于自由裁量权补充发展 法律及其与以 法律准绳的关系。

  • Since the Supreme People 's Court promulgates the judgment documents regularly investigating the determinacy degree of the legal rules under the written law system becomes possible .

    成文 体系下法律规则确定性程度的考察,由于最高人民法院定期公布裁判文书的举措,而成为可能。

  • He resembles the night watchman at the Supreme Court who resents the amount of written law and legal procedures .

    他就像是最高法院的夜间警卫,对繁复的 法律条文与法律程序充满 怨怼

  • Without united regulation of written law of administrative contract scholars keep arguing on the intension and extension of the administrative priority to benefit which the administrative subjects have in administrative contracts .

    由于没有统一的 成文行政合同 的规制,对于行政主体在行政合同中的优益权,学者们对其内涵和外延的界定一直争论不休且观点差异很大。

  • Civil law countries have a tradition of valuing the academic interpretation . Although they are written law countries but judges have great discretion .

    大陆法系国家历来有重视学理解释的传统,虽实行 文法 主义,但法官在 适用 法律中拥有很大的自由裁量权。

  • The rule of non-obviousness keeps on changing and developing in the legal practice while the wording in the written law remains relatively stable .

    显而易见性规则在美国的司法实践中不断变化和发展,在 立法中则保持相对稳定。

  • Considering that this mode of investigation has the potential risk of infringing the subjects ' lawful rights some countries and districts regulate this practice through written law or case law .

    鉴于这一特殊侦查措施可能侵犯侦查对象合法权利的潜在风险,一些国家和地区通过 文法或判例法对其进行规制。

  • In the written law system the criminal law is embodied in specific articles .

    成文 体系中,刑法规范是通过具体的刑法条文体现的。

  • China brushes in addition to the familiar Western painting is different from the written law the most worthy of attention is Yunbi law but also different types of lines have different Yunbi law .

    中国画笔法,除了大家熟知的不同于西洋画的 执笔 之外,最值得重视的是运笔法,而且不同类型的线条有不同的运笔法。

  • Mongolia he said used its muscle to keep trade along the Silk Road flowing and to enforce a written law .

    蒙古,他说,是在用其武力保证丝绸之路的贸易畅通,以及强制实行一个落实于 书面 法律

  • In the countries or legal systems whose main legal sources are written law the developmental level of compilation of code marks the level of the arrangement of level technique .

    在以 文法作为主要法律渊源的国家或法系中,法典编纂的发展水准就标示着 法律技术安排的发展水准。

  • The relationship between judicial interpretation and written law is subtle . On the one hand the value of interpretation lies in remedying legislative defect ;

    司法解释与 成文 之间存在一种微妙的关系:一方面司法解释的价值在于弥补成文法自身不能克服的缺陷;

  • Written law takes precedence over the oinions of men as the existence of a written revelation of god 's will implies .

    神启示自己的旨意让人记载于圣经中,意味着圣经的 律法优先于人的意见。

  • But at the same time the written law has its shortage that can 't satisfy the demand of the individual justice the right protection the changeable value demand .

    成文 法典以其普遍性和确定性满足了人们对平等、安全的需求,但同时也以其自身难以克服的局限性无法满足人们要求法律个别正义、灵活适变、简短明确的价值需求。

  • Firstly the non-unitary nature of the legal system characterized by the space for higher education legislation and relevant legal activities formed by the legal culture of both written law and case law of higher education .

    第一,法系的非单一性,表现为由高等教育成 文法与判例法构成的法文化共同形成对高等教育立法体系及相应法治活动的空间。