

v.写信写( write的过去式 )

  • I wrote hundreds of begging letters to charities and businesses .

    我给慈善团体和商业机构 几百封求助信。

  • Can you possibly imagine all the horrors we have undergone since I last wrote you ?

    你能想象得出自从我上次 写信以来我们所经历的所有可怕事情吗?

  • She wrote to Roosevelt 's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before .


  • He wrote out his rage and bewilderment which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding .

    他把自己的愤怒和迷惘 下来,这渐渐成了一种理解问题的宣泄方式。

  • Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment

    史蒂文斯 张便条,请他去自己的公寓。

  • During his career he wrote more than fifty plays

    在他的创作生涯中,他 50多部剧本。

  • He wrote my name wrong .


  • I wrote this sappy love song .


  • She then wrote an extremely irate letter to the New Statesman about me .

    她接着 新政治家》杂志 一封关于我的信,言辞极其激烈。

  • Lawrence Durrell wrote a great deal of poetry

    劳伦斯·达雷尔 创作 大量的诗歌。

  • He wrote a few more notes on the board .

    他在黑板上又 几条注释。

  • Cameron wrote a rambling letter to his wife .

    卡梅伦给他的妻子 一封漫无边际的长信。

  • He wrote about the intimate details of his family life

    写到 关于他家庭生活的一些不为人知的细节。

  • He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas

    他给道格拉斯 一封非常正式的道歉信。

  • Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen

    斯内普用金笔 一张收据。

  • I wrote her a receipt for the money .


  • She later wrote warmly of his bearing and behaviour .

    后来她以饱含热情的笔触 写到 他的举止和行为。

  • She wrote a textbook on international law .


  • I wrote him a letter and posted it straightaway .


  • Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless

    去年,柯林斯 一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

  • I wrote a letter to Daddy

    我给爸爸 一封信。

  • I turned around and wrote the title on the blackboard

    我转过身,在黑板上 题目。

  • He wrote the word ' pride ' in huge letters on the blackboard .

    他在黑板上 一个大大的单词pride。

  • She wrote another bad check .

    她又 一张空头支票。

  • She wrote to her aunt in America


  • In his memoirs De Gaulle wrote that he had come to London determined to save the French nation .

    戴高乐在他的回忆录中 写道,他怀着拯救法兰西民族的坚定信念来到了伦敦。

  • We wrote a letter in joint names .

    我们联名 封信。

  • If we wrote I think he would rip up the letter

    如果我们 写信 ,我想他会把信撕得粉碎。

  • He wrote up his visit in a report of over 600 pages
