


  • Gupta not only denies wrongdoing he is also suing the SEC for whatever that is worth .

    不过, 古普塔不仅拒绝认罪,而且还对美国证券交易委员会提起了诉讼。

  • He denied any wrongdoing and said bank officials shared responsibility for the dispute .

    他拒绝承认任何 错误,并说其他银行官员为此次争议同样要承担责任。

  • Accordingly I did what I believed right and began a campaign to correct this wrongdoing .

    据此,我做了我认为正确的事情,并掀起了一场纠正这种 错误 行为的行动。

  • Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out .

    必须杜绝任何 道德的事发生。

  • If I find any evidence of wrongdoing .

    如果我找到任何进行 道德 行为的证据。

  • The US has not alleged either bank was engaged in wrongdoing .

    美国没有断言这两家银行参与了 不当 行为

  • Political opponents also have linked him to wrongdoing .

    他的政治对手也将 此事和他的 过失联系起来。

  • Google rejects any allegations of wrongdoing and says Android is an open platform distributed free .

    谷歌否认了所有有关其 不当 行为的指控,并表示Android是一个免费的开放平台。

  • It added that Mega Capital denied all allegations of wrongdoing .

    SFC补充道,兆丰资本否认了所有 不当 行为指控。

  • You have no evidence of any wrongdoing on my client 's part .

    你没有证据说明我的当事人 了罪。

  • In this combative book Ann Bernstein does not deny that corporate negligence and wrongdoing has caused suffering and injustice .

    在这本有些“好斗的”书中,安伯恩斯坦(annbernstein)并没有否认企业的疏忽和 过失造成了苦难和不公。

  • In certain societies shame was the only sanction against wrongdoing .

    在某些社会中,羞耻曾是 坏事的唯一约束力。

  • Someone who perpetrates wrongdoing .

    做了 道德的 行为的人。

  • I am not suggesting that individuals never speak up about wrongdoing .

    我并不是在暗示说,个人永远不要 谴责 那些 恶行

  • FIFA 's reputation has been severely tarnished by repeated allegations of vote-buying and financial wrongdoing .

    由于不断被指控买票和金融 犯罪 行为,国际足联的名声遭受严重的玷污。

  • Mr Ambani has not been accused of any wrongdoing by the FSA and is not represented .

    fsa没有指控安巴尼存在任何 不法 行为,也没有律师代表出庭。

  • She acknowledged she made a mistake but has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing .

    她承认自己犯了个错误,但坚决否认有任何违法犯罪 行为

  • In some cases allegations of corruption and wrongdoing have made them a visible target for criticism .

    有时候,腐败和 行为 不当的指控使他们成了人们批评的目标。

  • But in the past the company has denied any wrongdoing and said it complied with us accounting rules .

    但该公司过去曾否认有过任何 不当 行为,并声称自己遵守了美国会计准则。

  • It also discovered wrongdoing by police officers .

    同时,他们还发现了警察的 不良 行为

  • His belief that he was too clever to be caught in his wrongdoing was absurd .

    他认为他太聪明了而 坏事不会被抓到的信念是荒谬的。

  • The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrongdoing .

    孩子 做错了事,母亲说了他一顿。

  • Really ! I 'm fed up with his wrongdoing .


  • The city attorney 's office hasn 't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing .

    市检察官办公室尚未发现任何刑事 犯罪的证据。

  • He denies the allegations and he hasn 't been charged with wrongdoing .

    阿桑奇否认了这些说法,他目前也没有因 任何 不当 行为受到指控。

  • They have started an investigation into alleged police wrongdoing .

    他们已经就所谓的警方 不当 行为开始了一场调查。

  • He has not been charged with any wrongdoing .

    他本人未被指控有任何 不当 行为

  • The bank hotly denies any wrongdoing .

    银行断然否认有任何 违规 行为

  • He denied any wrongdoing .

    他否认了任何的 犯法 行为

  • I will make clear my wrongdoing with sorrow in my heart for my sin .

    我要承认我的 罪孽。我要因我的罪忧愁。