written consent

[ˈrɪtn kənˈsɛnt][ˈrɪtn kənˈsent]

[法] 书面同意

  • CANCELLATION : Orders once accepted are not subjected to cancellation without our written consent .

    取消条款:定单一旦被我方接受,没有我方的 书面 同意不可取消。

  • The written consent of the Chief Executive shall be required before bills relating to government policies are introduced .

    凡涉及政府政策者,在提出前必须得到行政长官的 书面 同意

  • Shipment sent c.o.d.without the buyers written consent will not be accepted and will be at seller 's risk .

    无买方的 书面 同意,不得接受发往c.o.d.的货物,该风险由卖方承担。

  • This Standby Letter of Credit is not transferable or assignable without our prior written consent .

    未经我们 事先 允许本备用信用证不得转让和分配。

  • The written consent of the customer is required prior to engaging third parties as subcontractors .

    聘用第三方为分承包方需要客户的 书面 同意

  • The party B shall not sublease any part of the apartment without the written consent of the party A .

    未经甲方 书面 同意,乙方不得将公寓的任何部分转租。

  • Re-transmitted in any form or by any means resold or redistributed without the prior written consent of UPS .

    或以任何形式或方式重新 传送、再出售或 分发

  • Buyer shall not be responsible to or bound by any settlement made without its prior written consent .

    买方事先 书面 同意,买方对任何和解不承担责任且不受其约束。

  • Licensee shall not disclose or divulge know-how to any third party without prior written consent of licensor .

    未经许可方的 书面 同意,被许可方不得将本专有技术泄露给任何第三方。

  • Do not use disclose or copy except with prior written consent from AA company .

    未经AA公司 书面 同意,不得使用、披露或复制。

  • Accessories may be copied or duplicated only with our prior written consent .

    仅在经我们事先 书面 同意 情况 ,该附属品 可被复印或复制。

  • You cannot go on school trips without the written consent of your parents .

    没有父母的 书面 许可,你就不参参加学校组织的旅行。

  • You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without our prior written consent .

    没有本网站的事先 书面 同意您不能从其他网站或文件链接到本网站。

  • The supplier may not advertise its business relationship to us without our prior written consent .

    未经我们的事先 书面 同意,供应商不得用其与我们的业务关系作广告。

  • Before a woman can have an abortion she needs to have written consent .

    一名妇女在做人工流产前,必须有两名 医生 同意 书面 证明

  • Neither the Client nor the Design Professional shall Assign this Agreement without the written consent of her other .

    业主与设计顾问在无对方 书面 同意 情况下不应进行本协议的转让。

  • This Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part by either party without first obtaining the written consent of the other party which will not be unreasonably withheld .

    这协议没有首先获得将不不合理地被扣留的另一个宴会的 书面 同意可能不在任一宴会旁边的全部或者部份中被分配。

  • Shall not make use of or disclose such information without prior written consent given by the other Party .

    未经对方事先的 书面 同意,不得利用或公开该商业秘密。

  • Neither party shall use those materials for any purpose without the written consent of the party concerned .

    在没有有关方的 书面 同意 ,双方都不能使用那些材料用于任何目的。

  • He may with the written consent of the attorney general seize and detain the ship for48 hours .

    征得律政司 书面 同意后,可扣押及扣留该船舶48小时。

  • You may not assign your rights or obligations granted under this license without the prior written consent of nero .

    未经nero事先 书面 许可,不得将本许可协议规定的权利或义务分配给他人。

  • Modifications may not be made to the goods without the Buyer 's prior written consent .

    未经买方事先 书面 同意,不得对货物进行任何修改。

  • They signed the written consent form .

    签署 书面 知情 同意书。

  • The PARTIES agree not to disclose such information to third parties without the submitting PARTY 's prior written consent .

    双方同意在一方没有提交事先 书面 同意 情况 不得将此信息泄露给第三方。

  • The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract without the prior written consent of the company .

    未经业主事先 书面 同意,承包商不得签订任何分包合同。

  • Neither party shall have the power to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party .

    无另一方的事先 书面 同意,任何一方均无权转让本协议。

  • This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party .

    这份协议不可能在没有其他的当事人 签字 情况下被转让。

  • Sublets the leased property without party a 's written consent ;

    未得甲方 书面 书面 同意,将出租房屋擅自转租;

  • Lessee shall have no right to sublease the containers or assign its rights under this lease except with the prior written consent of lessor .

    除非在 得到出租人事先 书面 许可 情况下,承租人无权将租赁的集装箱分租给他人或将本租约中约定的权利进行转让。