unwritten constitution

[ʌnˈrɪtn ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃən][ʌnˈrɪtn ˌkɔnstiˈtju:ʃən]


  • Research on unwritten constitutions is helpful to expanding the scope of constitution study enrichment of its contents and balance of its structure .

    成文宪法的专门研究,将有助于 法学研究领域的拓展、内容的丰富和结构的平衡。

  • Britain has an unwritten constitution and the United States has a written constitution .

    英国有 成文 宪法,美国有成文的宪法。

  • The clarifying the characteristics of formation and forms of unwritten constitution is the basis for distinguishing the written and unwritten constitutions .

    不同 宪法类型的特征为标准,就能够对不 成文宪法国家类型形成 较为清晰的判断。