Based on scheming management of the government wild resources of economic plants are limited to be utilized and cultivated base on economic plants are encouraged to upbuild ;
在政府统一管理下,适度开发野生资源, 建立经济植物生产基地;
At the last give the opinion and advice on the IA 's marketing strategy of myself emphasizing to upbuild the characteristic marketing channel for IA .
最后, 基于 预测 结果给出自己关于信息家电市场营销策略的意见和建议,指出信息 家电 的 市场 发展 尤其需要 选择特色的市场营销渠道。
After that wecan upbuild the whole hierarchy of system design .
根据此 模型,可以 确定整个系统的设计架构。
The purpose of the research work is to upbuild modern industry measurement & control network whose structure is single client and many servers The thin server is researched and designed in this work which has better performance and wide apply foreground .
本课题的研究工作以 建立单客户机多服务器的先进工业测控网络为目的,重点就网络中的瘦服务器进行了研究和设计,具有一定的先进性和广阔的应用前景。
It has been proved that for indemnify the development of forest insurance we should defer to the rules of the forestry economy and insurance upbuild system of forest insurance make much of the lawmaking .
实践证明,我国森林保险的健康发展,要遵循林业经济和森林保险规律, 多元化的森林保险体系,重视立法工作,用法律来保障森林保险的发展。
The border area being far away from the control centre the upbuild of administration lagged behind the strength of the governmental controls were weak .
远离控制中心的 边陲地区及 交界 地带,行政 设置滞后,政府控制力量薄弱。
A survey indicated that small and medium enterprises are weak colony which need the help from all levels of society especially from the banks meanwhile the owners of enterprises should upbuild its credit for the support from banks and society .
研究结果表明,民营中小企业的发展需要得到社会各界的帮助,尤其是银行的扶持;而作为企业的经营者,必须要 建立诚信, 才能得到银行和社会的帮助。
In this paper based on least square method and matrix theory upbuild a quadrature least square method of parallelism error assess .
基于最小二乘法和矩阵理论 建立了 平面度误差评定的正交最小二乘法。
The core competence theory is cited in the article . Considering the situation of China and the status quo of the development of domestic transnational companies the writer suggests that it 's foremost to upbuild the core competence of enterprises and choose the right internationalization model .
文中引入了企业核心竞争力理论,结合中国国情以及本土跨国公司发展的现状,提出根本是要 建立 起企业核心竞争力,选择正确的国际化模式。
One of the key elements of the model of KMV is abundant default data with detailed analysis . Home commercial banks should upbuild their own default database as soon as possible .
KMV模型运用的关键之一就是积累了大量的违约数据,并对数据进行了详细分析,我国商业银行应尽快 建立自己的违约数据库。
At first according to the dynamic physics law I upbuild dynamic mathematics model for thesystem ;
首先,根据系统动态物理规律, 建立系统动态数学模型;
And attempt to take the widespread tools in the network to utilize to the collection and transmission of the statistical information especially propose to upbuild the count EDI system based on the commercial EDI system .
并尝试将网络中应用广泛的工具运用到统计信息采集传送中,尤其是提出了依据商业EDI系统 建立统计EDI系统的 设想;
Upbuild Client / Server network communication .
PLC which is stable and reliable is selected as the locale controller . The advanced Ethernet and GPRS technology are used to upbuild a network of management and monitoring .
该控制系统采用稳定性、可靠性高的PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)作为现场控制层的控制器,利用先进的以太网通讯和 GPRS无线传输技术 构建了一个管理和监控网络。
I upbuild the index system to the three industry and industry applying the method of Relative Potential Analyses finding the investment taxis of Chongqing central industry and central section of industry .
运用相对 势法进行了分析论证,得到重庆市在未来几 年内的产业投资排序。
In this paper we attempt to upbuild a synthesis evaluation system with scientific purposive hiberarchy analogous and practical principle .
本次研究依据科学性、目的性、层次性、交叉性、可比性和实用性原则,尝试 建立了综合评价体系。
The teachers can obtain students ' adoration reposal and propinquity and can upbuild feeling base of educating students if only they deeply love students .
教师只有对学生抱有深深的爱,才能引起学生对教师的崇敬、信赖和亲近,才能 建立 起教育学生的感情基础。
So sets of high-energy ultrashort pulse-laser systems had been upbuilt in several countries and we need to develop our technique of ultrashort pulse-laser to upbuild high-energy ultrashort pulse-laser system too .
本文首先回顾了超短 脉冲激光技术发展的历史,分析了目前飞秒激光的现状,并且讨论了建立高功率短脉冲激光装置的关键技术。
This thesis adopt the finite element method to upbuild the whole model the frame internal force distribution situation are analysed between the prestressing force of cable losed or not . The soil is elastoplastic .
采用有限元分析方法进行整体建模,整体分析 锚索框架内力分布情况以及在锚索预应力损失情况下框架梁的内力变化情况。
Base on this find out all the risk genes in every step of developing a new product after the analysis of every step . And then upbuild the index system of risks .
在此基础上,通过对 化妆品新产品开发过程的分析,找出每个 开发过程中的各个 具体的风险因子, 建立风险指标体系。
Upbuild the signal model for ship noise deduce the relationship between sound pressure and particle velocity in plane wave .