Where have you been ? We 've been searching up hill and down dale for you .
你到哪儿去了?我们 到处在 找你。
I 've searched up hill and down dale but still can 't find that piece of paper with you address on it .
我已 到处 搜寻 ,但仍然没有找到那张写着你地址的纸。
All this time she cursed him up hill and down dale .
这阵子,她把他骂 得 狗血淋头。
I 've searched up hill and down dale .
我已 到处 找过了。
Johnson won 't like your taking his best workman away . he 'll be cursing me up hill and down dale I 've no doubt .
你把约翰逊最好的工人 挖走 ,他会不高兴的。我想他准会骂死我的。
美[ʌp hɪl ənd daʊn del]英[ʌp hil ænd daun deɪl]
到处, 处处