valuable service

[ˈvæljuəbəl 'sɝvɪs][ˈvæljuəbl ˈsɜːvɪs]

[经] 有价值的服务

  • University belongs to the whole society and it should and must provide the community with a valuable service that is the transmission of high-quality talent to the society .

    大学是整个社会的,应该而且必须为社会提供有 价值 服务,这种 服务的直接表现就是为社会输送高素质人才。

  • It is more reasonable and sensitive to measure the uniformity of battery group using standard error than limiting error and the front one may provide more valuable informations about the service life of battery group on line .

    用标准误差来衡量蓄电池组的均匀性比用极差要合理、灵敏,并且可为在线评估蓄电池组的 使用寿命提供 宝贵的信息。

  • The service brand will show significant importance to the tobacco commercial enterprises in the future . This thesis is valuable for the service brand construction and management of Yuxi Tobacco Company .

    服务品牌建设对企业未来的发展意义深远,本文的研究对玉溪烟草 服务品牌建设与管理具有运用 价值

  • Competitive advantage is a kind of state that in certain period enterprise does better than his rival when it provides certain valuable productions and service for customers in the competitive market creating market predominant power to obtain excessive profits .

    竞争优势是指一定时期内,企业在可竞争市场上为客户提供具有某种 价值的产品和 服务的过程中所表现出来的优于竞争对手,并创造市场主导权和获取超额利润的一种状态。

  • This is a very valuable service but coaching can offer a more holistic approach .

    这是一个非常 宝贵 服务,但教练可以提供更周全。

  • Objective : Provide valuable references for health service of army through a study on characteristics of health support under hot and humid environment ( HHE ) and corresponding demands on health service .

    目的:探索适应高温高湿环境的卫勤保障需求,为我军新时期军事斗争 卫勤准备提供 依据

  • You have performed a valuable service to mankind .

    你为人类 提供宝贵 服务

  • You will always come across people that will criticize you no matter how great or valuable your product or service may be .

    不论你的产品或 服务多伟大多 价值,你都会一直遇到批评你的人。

  • Being the leading edge of oil gas pipeline maintenance industry of China we pursue steadfastly delivery of valuable service with state-of-the-art techniques .

    安科管道始终处于管道行业技术发展的最前沿,以最先进的技术为客户 服务是我们不变的追求。

  • It has also performed the valuable if indirect service of chronicling recent events .

    同时它也进行了将近来的事件 编年排序的 珍贵 工作,尽管是间接的。

  • To provide such a valuable service across heterogeneous systems requires standards .

    提供这样一个跨异构系统的 价值 服务需要各种标准。

  • Urban lake wetland is an important part of urban water environment . Not only can it provide local people with the best place for pleasure but also one of the ecosystem types with unique ecological functions which offers the most valuable ecological service per unit area .

    城市湖泊湿地是城市水环境的重要组成部分,不仅是当地市民休闲游玩的首选之地,而且具有独特的生态功能,是单位面积生态 服务 价值最高的生态系统类型之一。

  • It is valuable to promote service quality x economic profit and efficiency for Airport .

    它对民航机场提高 服务质量、经济效益及运行效率有 重要 参考 价值

  • Day centers for the elderly make a valuable contribution to the overall service .

    照顾老人的日托中心为整个 服务 事业作出了 可贵的贡献。

  • We thank the new ongoing and retired members for their valuable contribution and outstanding service to MOR .

    在此,我们感谢新任的、正在 服务的和已经退休的会员为 MOR所做出的无私的贡献和杰出 服务

  • The function view describes execution control storage management and interface to outside systems of management services . The given example shows that the models are valuable by mapping a service instance to multi-view model completely .

    功能视点描述了管理业务的执行、控制、存储、管理和对外接口功能.对提出的多视点模型以 实际的管理 业务为例进行了验证。

  • Professor Jonathan Bate the Shakespeare scholar and provost of Worcester College Oxford said Archer and her colleagues had performed a valuable service in setting Shakespeare 's work in the context of the famines and food shortages of the period .

    乔纳森-贝特是牛津大学伍斯特学院的教务长,同时也是研究莎士比亚的学者。他说, 阿彻女士及其团队的发现对研究莎翁笔下大饥荒与粮食短缺时期的作品 价值

  • Environment is a special kind of property which can provide various kinds of valuable service for our production and life consumption .

    环境是一种特殊资产,它能为我们的生产和生活消费提供多种 价值 服务

  • Kant did valuable service when he enforced the finite character of the cognitions of the understanding founded merely upon experience and stamped their contents with the name of appearance .

    他指出,只有基于经验的 知性知识的有限性,并称其内容为现象,这不能不说是康德哲学之一重大成果。

  • EPIA 's mission is to deliver a distinct and valuable service driven from the strength of a single photovoltaic voice .

    EPIA旨在通过整合光伏产业,推动提供独特而 价值 服务

  • We offer you the most valuable service with our constant management idea & Professional Credit and Sufficiency our complete sales system quality management system and professional technology .

    “专业,诚信,高效”是我们一贯的经营理念,我们完善的生产销售体系和质量管理体系及专业化的技术将为您提供最 价值 服务

  • Valuable metadata about the information service is available

    可以使用关于信息 服务 重要元数据

  • Producing this accommodation also benefits the tree for the ants provide their landlord with a valuable service : they guard it against its enemies .

    为蚂蚁提供这种住宿环境对树也有好处,因为蚂蚁会为其房东提供非常 重要 服务:守卫树木,抵抗外侮。

  • Although they cannot compare to real knights in battle with their spears and swords they can perform valuable service against lighter enemies .

    尽管他们在战场上无法如真正骑士一般 骁勇,但凭借长矛利剑,在对抗轻装 部队时仍颇为出色。

  • Processing experiment result indicated : automotive main decelerator arc tooth taper gear could adopt numerical control lathe to machine and ensure good machining quality and was effective especially to single or slight production and valuable to service trade .

    加工实验结果表明:汽车主减速器弧齿锥齿轮能够采用数控机床加工,并能保证高的加工质量,对单件或小批量生产特别有效,对 维修行业 价值

  • Thanks for clearing this up you guys really provide a valuable service to the community .

    谢谢你们的解答,你们确实为这个社区提供了一种 非常 价值 服务

  • The construction of medical information is aimed at building a unified information platform which can cover various of medical activities for residents . On the basis of the platform we can provide valuable medical information service to the people engaged in medical course .

    医疗信息化的建设旨在建立统一的可覆盖居民各种医疗活动的信息平台,以及在此基础上为从事医疗的相关单位与个人提供 价值的医疗信息 服务

  • As for the latter problem many people have pointed out that being targeted for abuse is just a part of having a valuable service in the participation economy .

    对于后一种问题,很多人指出被当作滥用信息的目标仅仅是在参与经济中 提供 重要 服务的一部分。