update mode

[ʌpˈdet mod][ʌpˈdeit məud]


  • The development of creative industry parks provides a new way to update urban mode and give the active protection of industrial heritage provides a new opportunit to continue and develop traditional industries culture .

    创意产业园的发展,为城市 更新 模式、工业遗产的积极保护提供了新的途径,为传统产业文化的延续和发扬提供了新的契机。

  • This method can set the parameters of the reputation model in consistence with the different tasks to make the reputation update mode comply with the actual task demand .

    该方法可以根据任务的不同来设置信誉 更新模型中的参数使得信誉的 更新 模式与实际任务的需求相一致。

  • Many construction researchers in this field a great deal of research and practice reflecting a variety of update mode .

    许多建筑研究者在这个领域里进行了大量的探究与实践,体现了多种多样的 更新 模式

  • The SIF Referenced EMIS Update Mode Research and Simplified Implement

    参照SIF规范的EMIS 升级 模式研究及其简化实现

  • The successful exploration will update the tourism management mode and promote the tourism development .

    这一探索的成功将 更新旅游管理 模式,促进旅游业的规范发展。

  • Facing the lack of response to uncertain demand in traditional ordering mode based on the model of the demand forecast update ordering mode compared the profit of supply chain and the optimal ordering level of the two different mode .

    针对传统预测与订货模式对不确定的需求缺乏反应的问题,建立了具有需求预测 更新的订货 模式模型,比较了两种订货模式在集中决策供应链中的收益和最优订货水平。

  • The platform via protection on every functional release coupling achieves the separate of each mode to make it easier to develop and update each mode in the protection .

    该平台通过将保护各个功能模块解藕从而使得各个功能模块彼此独立,使得保护的各个功能 模块的开发和 升级变的简单。

  • We analyze data center system model and validate the feasibility of the model in according to metadata standards database granularity database update frequency and linking mode database compatibility and the relation with E-government .

    本文从元数据标准、数据库粒度、数据库的 更新频度与联接 方式、数据库的兼容性、与电子政务的关系等角度分析数据中心体系模型,验证模型的可行性。

  • What happens when I set the resolution to0.5 and confidence to0.99 and run UPDATE STATISTICS in the MEDIUM mode ?

    当我将分辨率设为0.5,置信度设为0.99,并以MEDIUM 模式运行 UPDATESTATISTICS时,会发生什么情况?

  • In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the Resolution clause can specify the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions .

    在MEDIUM 模式的显式的 UPDATESTATISTICS操作中,Resolution子句中新的SAMPLINGSIZE选项可以指定列分布进行抽样的最少行数。

  • While it may seem like a good idea to always use the UPDATE STATISTICS in high mode this is not actually the case .

    看上去,以high 模式使用 UPDATESTATISTICS总是不错,然而事实并非如此。

  • If you wish to preserve this behavior in a specialized reference you need to update the add-content-to-section mode to make sure it is aware of your new information type .

    如果希望在特殊的参考中保留这种行为,需要修改 add-content-to-section 模式,以确保它能识别新的信息类型。

  • Also it is quite intensive to run UPDATE STATISTICS in the high mode ina production system that runs continually .

    而且,在连续运行的生成系统中,以high 模式运行 UPDATESTATISTICS显得过于密集。

  • Update mode of thought and foster a modern business management concept

    更新 观念,树立现代企业管理思想

  • The example below represents a simple scenario : A click on the item from the list of to-dos should update ( in Ajax mode ) the preview pane with the corresponding data .

    以下的示例描述了一种简单的场景:单击to-dos列表中的某一项将使用相应的数据 更新(以Ajax 模式)预览面板。

  • When the minimal eigenvalue of connection weights matrix is greater than the reciprocal of derivation of its neuron activation function the network will be convergent in parallel update mode .

    当网络连接权值矩阵的最小特征值大于激活函数导数的 倒数时,网络 并行收敛。

  • A Web based finance service query system can greatly improve the work efficiency and update the servicing mode of finance office .

    对于当前的财务系统来说,基于网络通信技术,实施网络化财务信息系统是提升工作效率与 升级服务 方式的重要方法。

  • Map Update in Raster Mode by Means of Aerial and Space Images

    用航空航天影像 更新地形图地物要素的栅格化 方法

  • At the same time update the design mode to avoid exchange rate risk QDII fund .

    同时 更新产品设计 模式,规避QDII基金的汇率风险。

  • If you work primarily in code but want to modify the model use code update mode .

    如果您主要处理的是代码,但是又想修改模型,那么就使用代码 更新 模式

  • Impetus of Consumer Culture and Update of Business Mode under Globalization

    全球化中的消费文化动力及商业 模式 更新

  • In code update mode you can change the code with updates in the model but you can also edit the model and generate code with minimal intervention in the code .

    在代码 更新 模式 ,您可以通过更新模型来变更代码,您也可以编辑模型并生成代码,以实现对代码的最小化干预。