usance letter of credit

[ˈjuzəns ˈlɛtɚ ʌv ˈkrɛdɪt][ˈju:zəns ˈletə ɔv ˈkredit]


  • Therefore how to choose a usance letter of credit settlement way becomes transit trade problems and it must be solved .

    因此,如何 合理选择 信用 结算方式便成了 转口贸易中的必须解决的问题。

  • Are the expressions of sight draft time draft usance and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment ?

    即期汇票、定期汇票、 远期 汇票 信用 这些 专用语,足以表现各种不同的付款方式吗?

  • With Bank credit intervening usance letter of credit as transit trade is widely used in the settlement of goods payment grant it more protection for three parts of trading and the convenience of financing can be fully enjoyed .

    信用 作为转口贸易中的货款结算方式,由于银行信用的介入, 使得交易三方 各自 不同的利益 得到一定程度的保护,可以充分享受资金融通的便利,已经被广泛应用。